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It is my understanding that ifparticipants are offered the option to contribute to a Roth TSP in lieu of a traditional TSP, the cap for all contributions is still $15K, this is not a new saving opportunity in terms of how muchparticipants can contribute. Also, the Roth TSP would be subject to RMDs at 70.5. Although not a huge consideration for me, it would be interesting to know if the RMD goes away if participants rollover a Roth TSP to a Roth IRA.
Upon reviewing our current tax situation, Iamconsidering maxing a Roth TSP for the following reasons:
1. Current tax bracket: I am currently in the 15% bracket and my wife is currently not working. If my wife goes back to work or I get a promotion, we would bump up to the 25% bracket. As a result, our bracket can only go up between now and retirement and willcertainly not be lower in retirement.
2. Future tax bracket:I do not have a crystal ball regarding futuretax brackets and so, as others have pointed out, hedging with a Roth TSP makes sense for me. Many current tax cuts and savings opportunities are set to expire in 2010 including Roth 401Ks.
3. Invesment Options and Expenses: The TSP funds are the cheapest that I know of in terms of expense ratio.Also, Congress isapplying pressure on the TSP Advisory Board to add more funds. As a result, for me personally, the scale tips in favor of a Roth TSP verses Roth IRA in terms of investment options.
4. RMD: RMDis not a huge deal for me as we plan to spend as much as possible before death (no kids to leave it to). Would still be interesting to know the rules on Roth TSP rollover to Roth IRA in terms of RMD.
I realize that this post is an about face from my previous posts on this topic and I reserve the right to change my mind between now and 1/2006.
As always, financial decisionsare personal decisions - everyonereading needs to assess their tax situation and do what they feel is best for themselves. If you are not sure, consult a professional (CFP, CPA, JD, etc.). The same applies for asset allocations decisions - if you are not sure how to distribute your assets, consult a professional.
Take care