13 Cities to get a Locality Pay Raise in 2016


[h=1]13 New Cities to Receive Locality Pay in 2016[/h]Written by FEDmanager. Posted in General News
Approximately 102,000 federal employees in the General Schedule in 13 cities will receive locality pay bumps in 2016.
The news was first shared in a blog post by the American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE), following a meeting with Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Deputy Director for Management Beth Cobert who made assurances that the locality pay zones would finally go into effect in January 2016.
Issuance of a proposed rule in the Federal Register this week brought the locality pay adjustments closer to reality.
The President’s Pay Agent, which advises the president on compensation issues for the workforce, recommended adding the new cities in January 2014 based on Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) data that showed a discrepancy between federal and non-federal employees, but the Administration had failed to act.
The 13 cities are: Albany, NY; Albuquerque, NM; Austin, TX; Charlotte, NC; Colorado Springs, CO; Davenport, IA; Harrisburg, PA; Kansas City, MO; Laredo, TX; Las Vegas, NV; Palm Bay, FL; St. Louis, MO; and Tucson, AZ.
Employees in these areas will learn the new locality pay rates after they are set by the President following issuance of regulations.
Those seeking to submit comments on the proposed rule must submit them by July 1, 2015.
I've always been REST of the United States!:notrust:
Wow!!! They are finally doing it.... well.. I will not hold my breath but this is definitely the closest it has ever come. Cost of living here in Austin is very high and they have discussed this for over the past 15 years or so. Will see... hopefully it will happen. Would surely help my high 3 for retirement, if I ever do. :rolleyes:
Good for them :)

Would be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed that my city wasn't on the list, but I won't hate on others for getting theirs
I'm about 40-50 miles away from Harrisburg, PA on the list. Does this hit only the direct city, or does a range reach out to possibly affect me here at work?
I'm about 40-50 miles away from Harrisburg, PA on the list. Does this hit only the direct city, or does a range reach out to possibly affect me here at work?

The proposed reg gives a better description of these cities.

The 13 new localitypay areas proposed are Albany-Schenectady, NY; Albuquerque-SantaFe-Las Vegas, NM; Austin-Round Rock,TX; Charlotte-Concord, NC–SC;Colorado Springs, CO; Davenport-Moline, IA–IL; Harrisburg-York-Lebanon, PA; Laredo, TX; Kansas City-Overland Park-Kansas City, MO–KS; LasVegas-Henderson, NV–AZ; Palm Bay-Melbourne-Titusville, FL; St. Louis-St.Charles-Farmington, MO–IL; andTucson-Nogales, AZ. Locality pay ratesfor the 13 new locality pay areas wouldbe set by the President at a later dateafter they would be established by​
I'm about 40-50 miles away from Harrisburg, PA on the list. Does this hit only the direct city, or does a range reach out to possibly affect me here at work?

It is based on work location (County, State) and:
The Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) geographic codes consist of a two-digit State and three-digit county identifier. These geographic codes are derived from the Worldwide Geographic Location Codes, 1993 (external link)
So if where you work is in a place that has an approved identifier, then your locality pay will be adjusted accordingly. The easy answer is to call your HR rep and ask them which area you are in. Dauphin County is not on any list, so it would be Rest of US.

Look here too:
Locality Pay Area Definitions

Hope this helps!