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sounds like they are begging for that .25 cut in interest rates, we will be hearing it til they get it
Holiday retail: More chill than cheer survey finds that lackluster merchandise, wary consumers could drag down critical year-end shopping season. This holiday season is going to be terrible," said Howard Davidowitz, chairman of retail consulting and investment banking firm Davidowitz & Associates. He thinks holiday sales will rise a mere 2 percent over last year.
While i do feel "free market captalism is the path to properity, success," and all that, i don't feel like we are free to talk anymore, like we're losing/have lost something that was pretty great. VR
So..What did you decide?..I'm really new to all this jargin and will be the first to admit it..I was hoping someday, I will be able to read between the lines of everyone's insight and wisdom of what's happening day by day in order to place my ESP monies in the right funds for the best gains and minimal losses..But until that day where I can walk the walk and talk the talk here..I will humbly ask the obvious questions as I did in my post below to 12%...What's in store for these FUNDS for Monday and Tuesaday?..Where was the best place for my money on these two days?..Friday was recommended by most that the I fund was the best that still true today and for Tuesday?..Simple question I still don't have an answer to...
Thanks for your views on this web sight..I too understand that the new Premium systems are nice to be apart of and am seriously considering joining them..but for right now, I'm still learning and hope that straight forward no BS questions will be answered by the resident experts without a lot of the technical jargin that naturally comes with the answers that still leaves me quessing.."What da hell did he just say?"
Thanks again everyone..we are all Gov workers and we should all be there for each other.
Yes I know today and Tuesday I'm stuck in the fund, I IFT'd last Friday before noon EST..
Let's just say for sake of academic discussion, that one put his monies into the I fund Friday for Monday and Tuesday...What is going to happen to the I fund for these two days, can one expect it to rise or fall?...Hypothetically or just and educated guess is all I'm asking for based on what happened late last Friday night and right now..?
Thanks, I sincerely value and respect everyone of your comments and help.![]()
So....DennisFAA, The answer is...without all the fluff.... We are screwed for Monday and Tuesday. WE are both in the same sinking ship. Let's just hope it won't hurt too bad. The good news..long term...the I funds is on an upward trend....if you can just hold on long enough.
To make it even worse--looks like USMs are rounding the bottoms and moving upward. May give strong possibility for +FV. That would make tomorrows move even more painful.![]()
smell a sell-0ff/pullback Monday
I have enjoyed the dialog here fellas, but I'm noticing one thing is missing: 12%ayear.![]()