12%ayear's Account Talk

Remember,the key to making money is finding value. When nobody wants something,take a look at it..it could be a priceless gem. When everyone wants it,take a look at it..it could be a worthless coal. Think outside the box and ask yourself hard questions. I gave you guys and gals IRBT at 15 and change, the stock is now 16.63. IRobot Corp is the wave of the future. Look around the PO and other Federal bldgs. Robotic Tech. is taking over. This stock has a small float and its a buy and hold. The high is 25s. They also make those vacuum that women love. Not pimping or pushing the stock. Just a friendly tip. Since I gave the tip..it is up 8%..in less than a month.:) http://biz.yahoo.com/bw/070530/20070530006145.html?.v=1 P.S. perfect buy out for a company like LMT..Lockheed Martin Corporation
have 3 ways of doing this. 1.Part of me wants to close shop until 2008. I met my goal. With the 2.40% payable left on the g Fund(30 weeksX 0.08%), I will be at 15% for the year. 2. Trade once in awhile3.Continue to do what I am doing.The first one is the stress-free way of doing it. I am leaning towards the second one.
This is the kind of market, where you can easily see 14200-14300 before we get the true sell-off.."Perfect Storm". Everyone here thinks this is the sell-off, but it is not. I strongly believe we will get wacked very hard later part of the year , not this early. With low volume and more bears, now is the time to jump in IMO. For the true sell-off to happen, you will need more volume and something very bad to occur like world related and the kicker of inflationary pressure,where it effects the bottom-line...Earning season...
This is the kind of market, where you can easily see 14200-14300 before we get the true sell-off.."Perfect Storm". Everyone here thinks this is the sell-off, but it is not. I strongly believe we will get wacked very hard later part of the year , not this early. With low volume and more bears, now is the time to jump in IMO. For the true sell-off to happen, you will need more volume and something very bad to occur like world related and the kicker of inflationary pressure,where it effects the bottom-line...Earning season...

I know very little about this stuff, but have been lurking and learning for some time now. I am getting a feeling that you are making a great deal of sense and your wisdom is very much appreciated.:D One thing I haven't seen is any speculation on what could happen to the markets if the powers that be:notrust: finally decide that something real must be done about global warming. I don't think anyone is going to like it. Behavorial sea change forced on us. Sorry to open this can of worms, but it's going to pop someday anyway.:suspicious::worried:
I know very little about this stuff, but have been lurking and learning for some time now. I am getting a feeling that you are making a great deal of sense and your wisdom is very much appreciated.:D One thing I haven't seen is any speculation on what could happen to the markets if the powers that be finally decide that something real must be done about global warming. I don't think anyone is going to like it. Behavorial sea change forced on us. Sorry to open this can of worms, but it's going to pop someday anyway.:suspicious::worried:

I'm carbon nuetral. I use a non-electric toothbrush, air-dry my hair and bottle all my farts. :suspicious:
Don't worry about it!!!! Sometimes you get caught in the middle of a sell-off. The worst thing to do is panic. I am down about 2.63% since Monday,it is part of playing the game. I am staying in the I Fund for the recovery mode. I will give several more trading days and then make a choice. This was expected, I wrote about it last week and did not listen to myself..lol. Should ofs and ifs are bad words to me. These kind of sell-offs makes a true trader shrug. So what, small bump in the road to a long road ahead. So put your chin up and buy IMO..Its a percentage game ..remember that!!!
This was'nt a bump. It was/is a pot hole!!!
_____or the edge



I am down 3.30% this week thus far. Markets can easily come back. This was a pure shakeout and shorts are all over the place now. The OSMs are a bargain at these levels. The Fed. will make a statement somewhere,trust me on this one, to ease this panic. They know they have to. So watch for some Fed. member at some dinner party to tame the pressure very soon. They do not want to risk a recession. That would kill everything.
I hope someone starts saying the right kinds of things on tonights's 6'oclock news...we could all use the help..:nuts:

I also hope tomorrow goes green....that would certainly releive a lot of jitters..I sure hpe this slide doesn'tcontinue..I am under the impression that a slide later in the year is in the cards...so why take all the pain now..:D

This market doesn't seem like a true correction. It just feels like a wobble.

It is actually a buying opportunity. I will wait for it to dump another 2% - 3% and then move my 30% holding in the G at least partly to the C/S/I.
The I Fund is getting hit once again. Down 1%,anyway,nice buying opp., for those not in the I Fund. Today, I need the USM to rally to get some +fv. I think of everyday as a new day when investing/trading. So, forget the bad few days and look forward.Looking for some postive news on the rate front from a fed figure very soon. After today including a 1% dip today, I will be down about 5% for the week, but on the postive side if i grabe the 29 weeks at .008% at the G Fund. I will be up12.40% for the year. Might just do that..will post it if I do and take the rest of theyear off. lol
This is telling me we are heading over 14000s before the true sell-off. OSMs are on sale and too cheap. Also Dollar is overbought
This is telling me we are heading over 14000s before the true sell-off. OSMs are on sale and too cheap. Also Dollar is overbought

I agree. We melt up from here. Just to add, hope no one got out yesterday and miss today's melt up! That would be a painful whipsaw.
Despite the talk, Ratajczak said he thinks the Fed is content to let inflation gradually decline.
"In the old days, people thought you just quash inflation and that takes it out of the picture. That's not true anymore," he said.
Bernanke is aware that the proper monetary policy looks to achieve a blend of growth and inflation, Ratajczak said.
"It is a mix and there is some art to it and it is not purely mathematical," he said.
The fed will not hike and the sell-off was based on pure profittaking and shakeout. Next week, we will see a nice rally. Glad, I stayed put in the I Fund today.
Not bad at all, my current TSP balance is almost the same as 5-22-07. So, I only lost 2 weeks of earnings. Anyway, everyone is so concerned about the I Fund Monday. Don't worry, the I Fund will explode to the upside next week. Europe and Japan is so oversold. So will see the us dollar give it back. Panic causes buying opps. Looking for the markets to break new highs this month. We got our sell-off , I was talking about.