12%ayear's Account Talk

Now that the SP hit 1500 ,let's see a pullback today. I sense a pullback today to make room for tomorrow. Watch how these sharks work.
Now that the SP hit 1500 ,let's see a pullback today. I sense a pullback today to make room for tomorrow. Watch how these sharks work.
Looking weaker. Watch the quick drop, if they decide to profittake, which I think they will.
Figures to start at about 3:30. Market close out will be an important guage of market sentiment. I'm not sure enough to short the market though.
good call on the I fund.

Like your avatar. My biggest donation is to the ASPCA. I've taken in more strays than I can count and found them all homes with myself or good families.

"one must protect the defenseless"

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good call on the I fund.

Like your avatar. My biggest donation is to the ASPCA. I've taken in more strays than I can count and found them all homes with myself or good families.

"one must protect the defenseless"

ty sir, I have the ASPCA credit card, when I make purchases, they get a % and I also donate to them through work. Love all animals. FWIW I went to the G fund for Monday based on a possible pull-back and possible penny payout. :)
Monday,I have a strong feeling we might get a sell-off in the markets. Now is a perfect time to wait and see. Guard those profits!!! This amazing run makes you wonder if there is a big drop coming. I think many will get trapped being long. Hate to be one of them.
I posted this yesterday,: 350Z's 2007 I Fund Thread
fwiw I am going to the I Fund for tomorrow.
``The market is bearish on the dollar,'' said Boris Schlossberg, senior currency strategist in New York at DailyFX.com in New York. ``There is evidence that the job data will be weak tomorrow.'' Also, with the Dollar up 2 days, I think that tomorrow the Dollar will sell-off...Friday.
Watch out IMO, all these cheerleaders thinking the DJIA will not stop going up are crazy. Go to your local gas station and look at the price of gas. Earnings are over for the most part. Now, Wall Street will find any reason to sell-off. This is not the 1990s or early 2000s. Back then oil and inflation were under control, not to mention the US Dollar. The job report will sink in next week and cause a sell-off. Many will worry about recession the later part of the year. Earnings were estimated at the low end, that is why many beat the numbers, now look at future earnings...consumers will not have that extra five or ten dollar to buy Starbucks,newpapers,sandwich,and other comfort products. US Dollar is overdue of a run. Watch next week.Again, I will be the market-timer hobo and jump on cargo when I see fit/suitable.
Stayed 100% G Fund for tomorrow. However; here is the deal. Cisco the last big name reports after hours on Tuesday. Perfect world ,they blow away earnings and more importantly guidance. Wednesday, you have the FED 2:15pm. The FED will stay in check, but the future is the key. So, My thinking is 100% S Fund for Wednesday and 100% I Fund for Thursday if all goes well. Will let you know. I strongly believe you will see some profit-taking tomorrow. Watch your capital!!!
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Remember you have to decide for 2 days not one. Wednesday and Thursday. FED meets 215pm, our deadline is 1200.
Have the rest of the week off and starting a new schedule Sat. FWIW I will posting my daily if anyone cares.:)
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