Interesting with these last few posts here and all. I have thought a bit about what I am going to say here since I been here. Whether it makes sense with anyone is another thing. LOL
Actually posting a daily move/IFT in the Account ( no chat ) for me can be followed easily can it not? Meaning........whatever is posted can be verified by the COB within the G, F, C, S, or I Fund.
For example..........If I posted going to G Fund at COB on Monday this week and went with the F Fund for the last two days, it would show that I went with the G Fund did it not? Instead I went with the F Fund and made money the last two days. To be tracked, it is what one is posting only, not what one acutally did. Now, we here do want to believe what is being posted is what that person is doing, do we not? Does this part make sense?
Example again........If I post going to F Fund at COB Monday this week and went with G Fund instead, does that make what happened at the COB for the F Fund change? Meaning...........The F Fund still made money whether I went into it or not.
Whatever is posted is posted, it does not change what happened that day at COB. We follow who or whatever we follow and with what decision we make should never be blamed on who or what we follow. This stuff is so individual and then some.
I think I stated quickly when I became a member here that I was not going to be in any competition with anybody. That still stands. Those who wish to do this is of their choice. Whether I ever do the Account ( no chat ) thingie is still in the future with it all.
Lets look at this example.....The double bottom in the $SPX after the February correction. I got out two days before the first bottom. What if I got in the next day after the second bottom and went into the I Fund 100% until today. Would that have changed if I would have posted I went into the G Fund until today?
How can one be accused of a false claim if it is posted? What was posted will show up at the COB will in not? Even if the person did not post an IFT over a period of time, that does not change what happens that day in the market.
The only way with a false claim is not posting an IFT and then claiming you made 4 Billion percent for that time period by not showing it in your Account ( no chat ).
I could claim I made 10% since the February correction. Just because I did not post it, does not make it false. Look at the market since then.
Lets say I made 5% this year before I joined here already and did not post my IFT's since then and claimed I made another 10% since I joined. The market shows it was possible to do that without posting anything.
The only real purpose for this posting is to Track that individual on what they are posting. Some like it and some don't.
Yes, If I start posting my IFT's it will be exactly what I am doing and nothing else. But I could care less about people knowing all this actually.
I did not join this to compete. There will always be people somewhere, someplace with more Money and Toys.
No, they who die with the most Toys do not win either. LOL
Did I confuse Y'all yet?