12%ayear's Account Talk

my 2 cents...tomorrow, the numbers will be better than expected causing a rally with the USMs and the US Dollar
+fv coming this afternoon..I bet there will be a leak with the job report this afternoon and markets rally IMO
If this happens, will it carry over to Friday? Fridays have had a lot of profit taking since no one wants to sit on risk over the weekend.
Yes, that's what he said. And he already said S Fund for Friday....means he's moving it today COB.

lol, he's been in it all week and taking a beating. I believe he does have an inside track, though I was simply looking for a reason the market would continue to rally on leaked reports on a Friday when there has been such a profit taking trend lately.

I am in the S FUND all week fwiw. Down -.75% for week . Not worried. S FUnd is the place to be.
I hope everyone makes money. Good Luck on your transfer!!:) I posted yesterday that I changed my mind for today. I am in the I Fund today. FWIW
The S Fund is down 1.76% as of now. MY new goal is to earn .29-.39 per cent a week. That would be a range of 15%-20% per year!! I can do this. Even if they change the TSP rules, this can be done. Make a check list and for example you make 1% this week. That knocks off 2.5-3 weeks off the list. So now you only have to worry about 49 weeks instead of 52 weeks of earning .29-.39%. If you do this, it will make you become more careful and smarter about trading. Try it. Right now we have 43 weeks left in the year.

Looks like it's siesta time for me. :embarrest: Until the S breaks above 1330 again I'll only be losing money trying to catch the knives.