10 Month Modified SMA Method (M-SMA)

The I Fund finally gained ground to the positive side but not enough for a move.

The 10 month modified SMA still has us in the F-Fund for at least 2 more week.

Attached is the 15 June 2012 Spreadsheet.


The F Fund has been absolutely on fire!! Good call!

The only question is... how low can interest rates go? I mean, would you loan someone money (who was basically bankrupt) for 10 years, and they only pay you 1.5%?? I wouldn't. This will all come to a screeching halt soon. Probably after the election.

Good luck!
Hey Mr. John!

Yeah I know. I'm really depressed, in general, as to the way our country is going. I believe if we get started in Iran, the US is in for a great depression. I believe we will see a huge upswing in the markets, consumer confidence grow, and unemployment decrease if we get a change in November.
The 10 month modified SMA finally signals a move to the S-Fund. I will post the new spreadsheet tomorrow since we will still be in the F Fund through COB tomorrow due to the 1 day TSP lag.
In a minute under my account talk, I will be posting what happened to me and my future plans.

If anybody wants it, attached is the 2013 spreadsheet for the 10mon_M-SMA. Feel free to do whatever with it as I won't be maintaining it anymore as will be explained my my account talk shortly. It finished the year at -4.36% and the 10 year average is 15.44% per year. 15% average per year is still not too bad but could be better.

View attachment 10mon_M-SMA 2012 Worksheet.xls