< 1 pct. IFT Option

Re: <1%IFT Option

The only info that could change to .00 is the percentages. The dollar amount and the number of shares rarely ever end in .00.
Re: <1%IFT Option

<1%IFT Completed Today


Alittle under the weather, Good Luck Everyone and have a nice weekend !
Re: <1%IFT Option

I hope you are talking about the market???

I wish I was too, but I'll be ok. Good days and bad are expected and
I'll see through it all. I have no choice, too many count on me to be
there for them no matter what. It's a responsibility that I glady accept.

Looks like my (F) and (I) Funds left me in positive territory (<+$20) for
Friday. Hey, I've been diversified enough to see green every day this
week ! The (F)Fund saw 85%,,,,then 25%,,,,then 05% and one bump
back up to 05% from 4.99%. Yup, the boys have been busy with my
account this month. Maybe that explains why they can't seem to get
the share prices published in a timely manner. (LoL) I'm gonna post my
returns in my other thread. They aren't as high as those double digit
returns that lead in the Automated Tracker, but I overcame a -13.xx%
deficit and that speaks volumes towards my accomplishments. Never
give up and never look back. Thats what I always say !

Anyway, thats enough of that. Its time to fly !
Re: <1%IFT Option

I wish I was too, but I'll be ok. Good days and bad are expected and
I'll see through it all. I have no choice, too many count on me to be
there for them no matter what. It's a responsibility that I glady accept.

Looks like my (F) and (I) Funds left me in positive territory (<+$20) for
Friday. Hey, I've been diversified enough to see green every day this
week ! The (F)Fund saw 85%,,,,then 25%,,,,then 05% and one bump
back up to 05% from 4.99%. Yup, the boys have been busy with my
account this month. Maybe that explains why they can't seem to get
the share prices published in a timely manner. (LoL) I'm gonna post my
returns in my other thread. They aren't as high as those double digit
returns that lead in the Automated Tracker, but I overcame a -13.xx%
deficit and that speaks volumes towards my accomplishments. Never
give up and never look back. Thats what I always say !

Anyway, thats enough of that. Its time to fly !


Great news on your TSP account. In my real account I am +5%, but that includes my deposits. But positive non the less. Considering that in early March I was -17.23% from 1/1/09 and -27.84% from 1/1/08. I'm still a -8.5% from my high point at the end of 2007, but slowly chipping away. So I have about two years to reach a new high. Yep 2012 is my retirement target date.
Just remember to take it slow and easy my Jedi Master (and I'm not talking about your TSP). Enjoy the grand kids and give the wife a hug just because. My wife was instumental in my recovery from prostate cancer and I thank her for that every once in awhile.
Re: <1%IFT Option

New members coming on board. Had to bring this account to the first page to help.

Show-me, James, nnuut, Lady,
Can we have this account edited and given a permanent spot on the first page to help out our new members?
Re: <1%IFT Option

New members coming on board. Had to bring this account to the first page to help.

Show-me, James, nnuut, Lady,
Can we have this account edited and given a permanent spot on the first page to help out our new members?

The glory of this website ! Looking to help new members ! You do us proud ! ;)
Re: <1%IFT Option

WOW! all the way back to page 4. Lots of talk about <1% so I had to bring back to the front page. Lots of good information in here. Have a great Thanksgiving.
Re: <1%IFT Option

Maybe if it was revamped, consolidated, and posted as a singularity, we could have a <1% IFT Sticky?

<hint> <hint>
Re: <1%IFT Option

Maybe if it was revamped, consolidated, and posted as a singularity, we could have a <1% IFT Sticky?

<hint> <hint>

Frixxxx, I have asked the moderators a couple of times if Squalebear or myself would be allowed to clean up the account and then have it posted as a read only. So far no luck.
Re: <1%IFT Option

Frixxxx, I have asked the moderators a couple of times if Squalebear or myself would be allowed to clean up the account and then have it posted as a read only. So far no luck.

Send me a PM on what post you want and I can copy them to another thread and make read only.

I need the post #'s.
Re: <1%IFT Option

New members coming on board. Had to bring this account to the first page to help.

Show-me, James, nnuut, Lady,
Can we have this account edited and given a permanent spot on the first page to help out our new members?

Apparently none of us seen this as we do not get to read every single post. Next time send me a PM that way I will not miss it. That goes for everyone.

Thank you and sorry.:embarrest:
Re: <1%IFT Option

Show-me, Thanks. I will review the posts and confer with Squalebear. Then send you a PM with those posts. Didn't think about sending out a PM with the request. Thanks again.
Re: <1%IFT Option

Show-me, Thanks. I will review the posts and confer with Squalebear. Then send you a PM with those posts. Didn't think about sending out a PM with the request. Thanks again.

Nasa, Do as you will ! ;) I don't have the time to review the past posts !

By all means, use what ever you believe will help our membership ! :)
Re: <1%IFT Option

With only two trading days left in November, a <1%IFT will not help me and my goals ! ;)

100% (G) Fund ! (See my thread for more detail) :)
Re: <1%IFT Option

Still In The (G) Fund at 100%

Nasa is working hard on the Read Only need for this thread !

Thanks Nasa, your efforts help all of our members !