Recent content by 2manyirons

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    Strate's Account Talk

    Yea that, “If I had only” stuff will drive you nuts. But it’s that way with the lottery, horse racing and other gambling. Each time I make an IFT, I keep track of the,” what ifs”, if I had moved into one of the other funds, or if I had stayed, kind of thing. It’s easy to do with the,” My TSP...
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    Strategy for IFT's Election week?

    We have seen a lot of, what I call, " mountain and valley days", in the market lately. Mountain when the market starts off early with large gains, then level off and start down, (traders taking profits). By the end of the day, not a lot of change. Valleys when the market drops like the bottom...
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    Birchtree's Account Talk

    Climbing off the "wall of worry" Economy's strong points · Manufacturing remains well in expansion territory, with booming industrial production. · Leading economic indicators turned back up for the second consecutive month. ·...
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    Weekly Sentiment Update

    “The happy people next week will be those who do not pay attention to the market and simply review their monthly or quarterly statements,” Howard Silverblatt, a senior index analyst at Standard & Poor’s, wrote in a Friday note of the S&P’s 500 Index’s 8.8% monthly gain.
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    Eurozone Economy Expand

    This is good news for the few of us that are in the I, right?
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    Guess the Close (Dow)

    +150 Any one keeping records on who's been right the most?
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    Driving a car forward, while looking in the rear view mirror

    Following the charts, is like driving a car forward, while looking in the rear view mirror. And the 20, 50, and 200-day day EMA’s have little to do with what going to happen tomorrow or next week. With a lot of you guys, I think following the charts, is more of a hobby than any thing else...
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    What do you think, F fund's future?

    Does anyone have any predictions for the F Fund, this summer. I'm interested in what indicators people are watching to know when to move. Isn't it the best fund to be in in the summer, or is this summer different? I know I missed the boat to some extent.
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    Tentative Action

    June 28 (Bloomberg) -- "U.S. stock prices are mirroring government bond yields more than ever, a signal to bulls that shares may be poised to rally." “The historical truth in the stock market is, you want to buy stocks when there’s skepticism and fear all over the place, and sell when...
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    First of July IFT, Go Bonds or Stocks?

    Summertime typically is not all that great for stocks, but could this year be different? Are bonds a better choice this year, to move to after the 1st of July. Or wait to see what happens, and be ready to jump? I think I might go F, anyone disagree with that move?
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    1,040 on the S&P

    The number to watch, according to Richard Ross, global technical strategist at Auerbach Grayson in New York, is 1,040 on the S&P 500. "We're precariously perched on that support," he said. The market has held above that level on three separate times, most recently on Tuesday. Ross said if the...
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    Weekend Update

    "When investors give up, savvy traders often see that as a sign to step in. It's a given among many professional money managers that everyday investors usually pull out of the market at exactly the wrong time. That signals for the smart money that it's time to move in". From MSNBC...
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    "S" served up the max. amount of pain again

    I should have added OTHER good sites, because I do know that we have a good one right here, at TSP Talk. I'm looking for any/all good help.
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    "S" served up the max. amount of pain again

    I jumped back in to S, at the wrong time. My timing has been off this month big time. I got to start following a better plan. Anyone know of any "good" Smart Money/Dumb Money Indexes to watch? Something that looks at what the "good" market timers are doing with their money, compared to the "bad"...
  15. 2

    IFT 100% G at 11:30AM Yesterday, Good Move

    With this free-fall today, I going to save some $. The big question is, when should I jump back to S? I almost put in a IFT at a few min. before noon, but chickened out. Anyone want to comment on timing an IFT.