WIND HUNTER'S Account Talk

Debating weather to stay in the Frog pond or go to the G. Looks like there is a good chance the G penny will pay today so I missed that.

Looks like the markets might be taking a breather, so the F fund could be the place to be tomorrow But I hate the frog pond. Should I take my gains today and go to the safe harbor? Probably so...:confused:
Well it looks like I have the Frog pond all to myself. I guess I can put the auto pilot on and not have to worry about running in to someone. Although I think Griffin is still here somewhere...:D
Wanted to get out of the Frog pond while I still had some profit. Not sure about stocks right now so I decided to just put a little on the table until I see a better chance to jump back all in.
so you stayed in the harbor:blink: with a few nickels out probably a good move at least you aint in frog pond :sick: sometimes its ok but i would be better setting on a lilly in g than f my luck just dont work very well there
G L next week maybe i can gain a little or loose some :cool:
Dont want to chase the markets here. If I was in today, I would be getting out. So I'm just gonna sit here on my lilly pad and watch everyone else make a killing...:D
so you decided to ride c&s rail road just watch out for the tankers:D
G L glad to see you hop off the lilly hope we dont get spanked:blink:
so you decided to ride c&s rail road just watch out for the tankers:D
G L glad to see you hop off the lilly hope we dont get spanked:blink:

Yeah, I decided to lay on the tracks. Just hope I can get out of the way in time...:nuts:
It takes guts to sit and welcome these trains. I haven't gotten there yet.
went to the g harbor my girl tore my truck up pretty good cant open door no head lights buckled both fenders but she is ok, i have not broke her neck yet:D :D :D see ya tuesday,:cool:

What a week for so many. Unfortunately I wasn't one of them. I didn't invest in C or S, but stayed in I through Friday so I took a slight hit. We'll see what next week brings. Birchtree says to to have the guts to stay in, but I'm not nearly as knowledgable as many on this site, and several I respect are pulling back at least through Tuesday..

Then again, I'd like to better understand where the Elliott wave is with each of the funds. It sounds like S is about to the crest of the 5th wave, and that sounds like a pullback based on my limited knowledge. Where are S and I in relation, and does this theory also apply to the bond market?

Just call me cautious till I understand the rules a bit better..

The Elliott wave theory is way above my head. I hadn't even attempted to understand that yet. For now I am just following many of the knowledgeable folks on this board and hopefully I can get my 12-15% for the year and I will be happy. I just have to be patient...:D
Likewise WH....I'd never heard of an Elliott wave until about three weeks ago. At first I thought it was a watershed event for surfers :D Good luck this week..

Dont really want to be in stocks right now. Waiting for the pullback..:confused:
Dont want to go to the lilly pad. So I decided to go to the dreaded Frog Pond....:D
I'm so security conscious that I agree with you on stocks (based on today and what some of the leaders are doing), yet I still think Wednesay through Friday could be good for the markets. "S" is still undervalued a bit, and "I" should be good as long as the Japanese don't raise interest rates.

Bottom line seems to be with the earnings and economic data from the US markets though. If the numbers are good enough, I think there will be a short rally with a big pay day. I just don't know if I've got the guts to take that chance without more info. I'll be following the news closely tomorrow. I just wish this "correction" would take place so I could feel better about buying into stocks 100%.

Hope you have a good week.

Well I was planning a one day stay in the I fund and then going to the lilly pad but I think we might have another good day tomorrow. So I decided to stay one more day and going to G for Friday. Hope my greed doesn't come back to bite me...:confused: