Wildboar53's Account Talk

Re: Wildboar53 account talk

I have been following the TSPTalk since about mid-July. I have had a recent change in work venue to allow me to more closely monitor what is happening during the day. As such I plunged into picking various funds on basicly gut feelings. By mid August I was down almost 7%. Not a good feeling in the gut then :laugh:. So I paid more attention to the Ebb system and now am plus 5.64% with todays results (I was in the F fund). I have had only two negative days this month and no days in the G. Not a normal ride from what I have been reading. So as a real newbie-novice, I applaude all the advice that is traded around these threads and give my most heartfelt thanks.
Bought into the I fund at share price of 25.05. Keep telling myself to hold on to it till goes back above that. Really havent lost anything as long as I dont sell at below that price. Same number of shares as Birchtree says :laugh:. Still it is hard to watch the price keep going down.
It has finaly gone over my buy price. By much more today than I expected. I am still in the I fund for Thursday. Here's to a wee bit more up. (Even at least :laugh:). Now the decision is whether to take this profit or go for more gusto. Really would like to get out of the hole this month has made. There are opinions to support each direction to go.
How many waffles would you like for breakfast, Sir?
To Fog Sailing and Wind Hunter,
I am hopefully going to get my boat pierside(off its mooring) this Friday!
Temperatures here are starting to go to freezing lol.