White Privilege, White Entitlement and the 2008 Election

what specific points in the article do people have a problem with? Ones that hit too close to home (based on honest self-assessment), or ones that are not an issue for them personally?

I think much of the article hits pretty well with many people, but I just hate the generalizing of "white people." I grew up a poor white boy in a black neighborhood. My manners didn't mesh well with many middle class white people, so I often felt like some foreigner or I was looked down upon because of my way, not because of my color.

Plenty of white people fall into the unprivileged category.

"Poor white trash"
"Trailer trash"

Besides that, poor white people living among poor blacks often get serious beat downs because the blacks look at the whites and blame them for their problems. I'm always like, "Hey, I'm living in this hell-hole with you. How am I keeping you down?"

My brother just went to the hospital a couple weeks ago, because he got jumped for being white in his own neighborhood that he's lived in his entire life - longer than the people who beat him down.

Then you have some blacks who are not "black enough." They "sold out." I know plenty of blacks who think that about Obama. They've got a tough battle to fight on both sides.

And forget mixed races in the poor areas. They're defending themselves against all sides.

I would change the article to "Socio-economical privilege" no matter what color they are. Name calling and accusations are flying in all directions from all kinds of people. Nobody's innocent.
what specific points in the article do people have a problem with? Ones that hit too close to home (based on honest self-assessment), or ones that are not an issue for them personally?
Thanks for the post to a blog rant, now can we get back to the real issue?

It's all about the GREEN privilege and last I heard, that was gold!:cool:

:D That's why I put it in the Lounge.

Besides, it can be profitable to stir people up early in the morning.
Honestly it's just the bent rant of some guy posting on the internet. Not even worth posting. It's people like this that serve to divide this nation.
Thanks for the post to a blog rant, now can we get back to the real issue?

It's all about the GREEN privilege and last I heard, that was gold!:cool:


Well-known member
I can't say I agree with this article, but it does have some interesting points:


For those who still can’t grasp the concept of white privilege, or who are constantly looking for some easy-to-understand examples of it, perhaps this list will help.

White privilege is when you can get pregnant at seventeen like Bristol Palin and everyone is quick to insist that your life and that of your family is a personal matter, and that no one has a right to judge you or your parents, because "every family has challenges," even as black and Latino families with similar "challenges" are regularly typified as irresponsible, pathological and arbiters of social decay.

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