New member
Hello, I just found your web site while searching the internet for suggestions on how to allocate my tsp account to handle the falling dollar.
Here's my allocation
55 % into the I fund
35 % into the C fund
10 % into the S fund.
Does this sound like a good allocation for the falling dollar? I usually don't modify my allocation too often and have only done a interfund transfer once in my seven years. I have about 35 years until I retire.
I just visited
and he recommends taking any money in the I or S funds and putting the money in the bond fund known as the 'G' fund. Is that a good idea
Any suggestion would be appreciated.
Here's my allocation
55 % into the I fund
35 % into the C fund
10 % into the S fund.
Does this sound like a good allocation for the falling dollar? I usually don't modify my allocation too often and have only done a interfund transfer once in my seven years. I have about 35 years until I retire.
I just visited
and he recommends taking any money in the I or S funds and putting the money in the bond fund known as the 'G' fund. Is that a good idea
Any suggestion would be appreciated.