What was the best thing you got for Christmas?

the (doctor-confirmed) natural healing of my nephew's lifelong progressive heart condition; his marriage to a really great girl and their first child-the next generation in the family begun-my first adorable great-n. :D
I would say my greatest gift for 2010 is my three kids who continue to amaze me. The oldest age 25 (4 year USAF) Vet received his Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science with honors (Summa Cum Laude) at SIU Carbondale. My daughter is attending SIU Edwardsville entering her Junior year. And finally my youngest son is still enjoying his new job as an air traffic controller in NM. I’m very blessed and thankful for all I have in life. Everyone have a Happy New Year!!! :) :cool::cool:
This is sooo strange -- because I've never been able to share this on anywhere near the magnitude I can share it now...

...that it sounds 'selfish' ... perhaps 'self-centered'...

My children have always been the best thing and everything I can share about them ....

But this YEAR -- The 'Best Thing' I got was the HOPE of a very Promising and Wonderful Future. I got the fulfillment of my deepest and most life long dreams and hopes.

GOD is wonderful -- !!