What to do??


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The market is due for a correction, as we all know. My wife and I are leaving for an anniversary cruise all nexr week and I can't make any changes during that time. Should I bail out of the market now (takes effect Tuesday, I think) or stay diversified in stocks until the second week when I get back? Any opinions?
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Actually, any changes made before the deadline this morning will take effect at the close today. After that, it'll take effect Monday.

January is historically a very strong month with mostly up days on average.
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If I am not mistaken, most cruise lines have internet available, at a nominal charge... so you should be able to keep up with your account. You may want to verify that with the cruise line you are going on. I was on the celebrity cruise line in Oct and was able to surf the web with no problem.:)

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Mike wrote:
Actually, any changes made before the deadline this morning will take effect at the close today. After that, it'll take effect Monday.

January is historically a very strong month with mostly up days on average.
I thought the TSP offices were closed today so any changes would have to wait until Monday COB as Pilgram said?
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Pilgrim wrote:
The market is due for a correction, as we all know. My wife and I are leaving for an anniversary cruise all nexr week and I can't make any changes during that time. Should I bail out of the market now (takes effect Tuesday, I think) or stay diversified in stocks until the second week when I get back? Any opinions?
Like Mike said, January is historically a strong month. If there is any weakness it seems to come after the first 3 days. If you'd feel more comfortable raising a little G fund money (like 25%) to protect your recent gains, that is a consideration. The problem is that the 2nd trading day in January is one of the best days of the year. That would be Tuesday this year. The weakness that follows is probably not much more than profit talking from the 1st three days soeven if the market is down the for a few days after, it may not give up all the gains made Mon, Tue, Wed.

So I think you'll be fine in the market. But like I said, if you'd feel better raising some cash, that is justifiable.

Have fun!
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swsop in Misc tsp office news:

December 31st — Although December 31st is also a Federal holiday, the stock and bond markets will be open. In addition, the Department of the Treasury has advised us that it will be open to accept our investments in the G Fund. Therefore, the TSP will be operating on a limited business schedule for December 31st.

My understanding of this note in the whole is that only G fund transfers would be accepted today, Friday,for Monday.
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that's really strange. I had 100%S and made a move to 50%G 25%S 25%I before the deadline today.....so tsp will only act on my G move? don't see how they can do that partially without the "confirmed" entire transaction. what becomes of my S and I.... I guess by this evening we shall know! HNY 2005
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Straight from the horse's mouth:

  • Transactions made on this Web site or the ThriftLine by 12 noon eastern time on Friday, December 31st, will be processed that night.
So yes, transactions requested today will be processed as usual.
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They said "TSP will be operating on a limited business schedule for December 31st" but it seems like everything was up. Maybe they just closed loan processing or something.

HadI known that, I may havegone back to C/S and lighten up on the I fund. Oh well. Early next week should be pretty good. Monday may be questionable but Tuesday (the 2nd trading day in Jan.) is so strong historically.

One thing I am glad to see is that they will post a share price for Dec 31. I was thinking they wouldn't but it looks as if they will.
"Share prices will be calculated as of close of business on December 31st and account balances will be updated"