Warren Buffett

Most recent 10Q report for 2nd quarter released and I'm starting to wonder if he's become a contrarian indicator. Without his huge wager on AAPL, he'd have been left in the dust years ago. In any case, it might be time to buy oil companies again.

Berkshire was a seller of just over half its stake in Chevron (CVX), ending the first quarter with 23.6 million shares, now worth around $2.4 billion, and it reduced a stake in Merck (MRK) by 37% to 17.9 million shares, now worth about $1.4 billion.

The Chevron and Merck sales surprised some Berkshire watchers, as the company accumulated those stakes in late 2020 and Buffett made use of a confidential regulatory filing to hide his accumulation of Chevron stock.

Wells Fargo stock has doubled since the fall and other former Berkshire holdings— JPMorgan Chase (JPM) and Goldman Sachs Group (GS)—are way above the prices at which Berkshire was a seller last year. Berkshire has left more than $10 billion on the table with those sales.

Something to think about. Luck plays a large part in retirement as well since drawing down your savings in a bear market doesn't work very well. 2009 vs. 2000.

Let’s say you have two people, Person A and Person B. They are both value investors who follow the strategy laid out by Benjamin Graham in the 1930s.

Person A was born in 1930. Person B was born seventy years later, in 2000. They both start applying the Graham investing strategy at a very early age, let’s say when they were 15 years.

Person A becomes Warren Buffett, once the richest man on earth, who experienced one of the biggest booms in value stocks when he was young. Person B loses half of their money because value stocks are out of favor in the 2010s.

Same strategy, same actions, different times, different outcomes. Becoming rich and famous is mostly a matter of luck.

For the Buffett watchers:

Added to CVX again (after selling half stake in 2021), LSXMA, RH, FND.



AAPL is very close to half the portfolio. BAC is second largest holding at close to 15%.
Warren Buffett Says Markets Have Become a ‘Gambling Parlor’

“It’s a gambling parlor,” Mr. Buffett said Saturday of the markets over the past few years. He added that he blamed the financial industry for motivating risky behavior among investors. While he finds speculative bets “obscene,” the pickup in volatility across the markets has had one good effect, he said: It has allowed Berkshire to find undervalued businesses to invest in again following a period of relative quiet.

“We depend on mispriced businesses through a mechanism where we’re not responsible for the mispricing,” Mr. Buffett said.

No new buys on Berkshires latest 10Q but added to PARA (averaging down) and OXY (more oil/gas, already added to CVX last few quarters). Notable add to ALLY (Ally Financial) in which he added 200%+ to his position.
Charlie Munger says there isn’t the slightest chance Buffett traded own account to enrich himself

Vice Chairman Charlie Munger pushed back against a report that alleged his partner Warren Buffett at times traded stocks in his personal account before the conglomerate made moves in the same securities.

Munger, 99, told CNBC’s Becky Quick in an interview that the idea that Buffett was front-running Berkshire’s own trades doesn’t make sense, pointing toward his charitable giving and the fact that most of his wealth is tied up in Berkshire stock.

Latest holdings update:

Significant sells in HPQ and PARA, two long time value traps.

Added to OXY and CVX.

Minor trimming of AAPL.
The ‘Buffett indicator’ is a red flag for markets, but ‘this is not a bubble,’ says investing pro

Things are in normal territory if the total value of the Wilshire 5000 index (which measures the total market) is about on par with the latest quarterly GDP estimate. If stocks are at about 70% of GDP, they’re said to be undervalued. Stocks trading at about double the size of the economy is considered a major red flag.

As of late, the ratio is at about 190% — the highest mark in two years. In calendar year 2022, the last time stocks traded in this territory, the S&P 500 dropped 18%.

What Warren Buffett'''s favorite indicator means for your money
Not a single mention of government money printing by the manager at Black Rock. When's the last time someone on the buy said said stocks were overvalued anyway?

2022 was the longest bear market we've had since at least 2008 and the worst bond bear since the 1700's.

If the ratio was cut in half, stocks would still be overvalued according to the indicator.
No new buys on Berkshires latest 10Q but added to PARA (averaging down)

He gets a lot of glory in the press when he gets it right, but he got this one wrong and reduced his position by 1/3 in Q4 2023. Wouldn't be surprised if he unloaded more on the buyout spike.