Valkyrie's Account Talk

[h=1]Brace For Astronomical Shipping Costs As China Goes Into Lockdown Mode[/h]With the latest weekly update of container shipping rates showing that prices - already at all time high - simply refuse to back down, as rates from China to the US surpassing a record $20,000, a new threat looms which could send already sky high prices into orbit. As the delta variant spreads on the mainland, most Chinese ports are now requiring a Covid test for all crew, with vessels forced to remain at anchor until negative results are confirmed, and requiring ships to quarantine for 14-28 days if they previously berthed in India or changed crew within 14 days of arriving.
That spells further delays, further price increases
“We have this setup now that is very similar to the 1960s, which led to the Great Inflation of the 1970s,” Knapp says. A repeat of the latter decade isn’t guaranteed, but it’s an analog that shouldn’t be dismissed, he says. Knapp, for his part, says a passage of President Joe Biden’s corporate tax plan—meant to pay for the new spending—would result in a 10% stock market correction.
[h=1]Weekly Update: Global Money Supply Peak, Rising Odds for Correction in the Coming Months[/h]
doesn't blackrock manage the TSP funds

One of the top financiers for the project is none other than investment giant BlackRock, “the world’s largest investor in fossil fuels,” as characterized by The Australian Financial Review. BlackRock is giving the Gates project $100 million from its charitable arm, according to Bloomberg News. But here’s the kicker: After the BEC supplies the cash needed to get its eco-projects off the ground, Bloomberg News said, “debt financing and government funds can be raised to cover the remaining 90% of the cost.” This means taxpayer dollars will inevitably be sucked in to pay for the green pipe dreams of Gates. [Emphasis added.]

S&P Global reported in February that the value of BlackRock’s coal investments was “more than $12 billion and the value of its oil and gas investments was nearly $90 billion” as of Sept. 30, 2020. BlackRock’s ironically-named U.S. Carbon Transition Readiness ETF holds major oil and gas companies like ExxonMobil and Chevron. Bloomberg News didn’t mention BlackRock’s massive fossil fuel investments.
is it time to close out my TSP account? And How to I go about closing out my account? I'm retired and over 60.

The TSP has about $795 billion in assets. Politicians are using a variety of ways to be able to change the TSP to use the money in pursuit of political objectives.

Her latest effort is seeking “to coordinate an effort to go after one of the biggest pots of money in the country: the federal Thrift Savings Plan, or T.S.P., which is where millions of federal employees sock away their retirement accounts.” As the article urges President Biden “to use the executive powers he has to divest the T.S.P.” of fossil fuels, the efforts of interest groups were successful as the president issued his Executive Order shortly after the article appeared.
President Biden’s Executive Order on climate change assumes climate change will harm TSP investments. The Executive Order concerns “the global shift away from carbon-intensive energy sources and industrial processes present(ing) transition risk…. ” (Also see Saving the Planet with the TSP)
In addition to the Executive Order, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) was brought in to seek changes at the TSP. The GAO recommended:
The Executive Director of the Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board, to better inform the Board’s ongoing oversight activities, should evaluate TSP’s investment offerings in light of risks related to climate change.
The GAO essentially concluded the TSP Board is not paying sufficient interest in climate and is out of step with what needs to be done. According to GAO, “Given the systemic and unprecedented risk that climate change is expected to have on global financial markets, GAO continues to believe that it is important for FRTIB to evaluate TSP’s investment offerings for these risks.”
This reminds me of how many on the left complained over the years about the Amazon's, Exxon Mobil's, WalMart's, and Google's of the world, but never would have achieved their level of wealth without them.

Divest TSP of fossil fuels you'll be lucky to be left with an S&P 15.
100S COB. following the leader. wanted to get back in before the 1st, but was out of moves thanks to the corrupt tsp and blackrock