
Someone asked when an IFT had to be done to be in effect on Monday. I called the TSP hotline and found out. Even though market is closed on Friday as long as the IFT takes place before 12 Noon Eastern Daylight Savings Time, on FRIDAY it will be effective on Monday, 9 April. ;)
So the US markets are closed and the TSP Office is 0pen Friday. If it was a government holiday TSP would be closed Friday. So you can submit IFTs Friday, cool!:D
I just looked at the TSP website. If I look at my account, the G fund is still at 11.85 (no penny). If I click on "Share Prices" on the Home page, it shows 11.86 for Apr 04, 2007. I think somebody goofed, and I'm going to call them afterwhile!!! :confused:
OOPS! Now that I looked closer, the accounts in the TSP website haven't been updated yet. It still says the account balance is as of Tuesday, 3 April. Hopefully they will update it soon. :sick:
OOPS! Now that I looked closer, the accounts in the TSP website haven't been updated yet. It still says the account balance is as of Tuesday, 3 April. Hopefully they will update it soon. :sick:

TSP stated that all accounts will updated by 11:00 today.:)
I just checked the TSP site, and it has finally been updated.

Concerning IFT's: The way I understand it is that the TSP site will allow IFT's tomorrow since it is NOT a federal holiday. Therfore, if you make an IFT anytime between now and noon tomorrow, Friday, 6 April ESDT, it will be effective for Mondays trading due to the fact that the markets are closed tomorrow. It IS rather confusing, isn't it?? :confused:
I just checked the TSP site, and it has finally been updated.

Concerning IFT's: The way I understand it is that the TSP site will allow IFT's tomorrow since it is NOT a federal holiday. Therfore, if you make an IFT anytime between now and noon tomorrow, Friday, 6 April ESDT, it will be effective for Mondays trading due to the fact that the markets are closed tomorrow. It IS rather confusing, isn't it?? :confused:
ANY IFT done after COB Friday will be processed COB Monday. Meaning yes you can IFT Friday but it won't be processed (effect your balance) until COB Monday, IMHO:D
As stated at, any fund transfer (IFT) between now and 12:00pm EDT Monday, will be processed at COB Monday, April 9. I guess the confusion is when your TSP trade is processed and when it is effective. It is processed at COB of a trade day, and effective at the new allocation the following trade day. The IFT you enter on Friday at is not processed at COB Friday because the U.S. markets are closed Friday. It would be processed at COB Monday, April 9th, and be effective at the new allocation on Tuesday morning, April 10th. Here is the notice posted at
Special Notice for April 6: Because some of the stock and bond markets will be closed Friday, April 6, we will not be updating share prices in any of the TSP funds for that day. Consequently, transactions will not be processed until the following business day (that is Monday, April 9).

I just checked the TSP site, and it has finally been updated.

Concerning IFT's: The way I understand it is that the TSP site will allow IFT's tomorrow since it is NOT a federal holiday. Therfore, if you make an IFT anytime between now and noon tomorrow, Friday, 6 April ESDT, it will be effective for Mondays trading due to the fact that the markets are closed tomorrow. It IS rather confusing, isn't it?? :confused:
I understand the confusion, and its ashame the TSP reprehensive was not better trained. We at TSPTalk have been through this issue every year, and its often the meaning of effective and processed. You are correct that the workers at the sites are not off because Friday is not a federal holiday. However, the U.S markets and many world markets are closed Friday, so the folks at cannot process any fund transfer you enter at COB on Friday, April 6th. It’s impossible to get fund prices when the markets are closed. Therefore, any IFT you enter between now and 12:00 pm EDT Monday will be processed at COB April 9th. It’s effective at the new fund allocations the following morning, on Tuesday, April 10th

As the Tracker at TSPTalk, I cannot get fund prices for Friday because they will not exist. Therefore, any IFT entry you make to your account will be entered in the Weekly Tracker on April 9th, using Monday's fund prices.

As a side note: Does anyone remember what happened last Veteran's day at This was a federal holiday. Were the US markets open for business? Was open for business?
They definitely said they are not updating share prices on 6 APR. My interpretation of that is they will not have prices to use to make IFTs.

Think of it this way, they have two possible choices for share prices that they could use to make IFTs tomorrow night. (one) tonights prices or (two) a "fair valued" price given tomorrows reports and the action of select OSM and currency markets. If they don't update the share prices then that means that they can not give the share prices a fair valuation and they definitely can not use the prices that will be calculated tonight since they will be stagnant (and given the hub bub surrounding the jobs report, that would be unethical). This is why they worded their message the way they did. Since they will not have price data for tomorrow night, they can't make IFTs and they can't process any IFTs that are entered until they have new prices which will be based upon Monday's market.

Hope that helps.

EWGuy... That's not what they told me on the phone. They ARE open tomorrow, but the markets are not.
So, to put it simply, any IFT Today Thursday before Noon will be in the Market Monday?

Any IFT done before Noon Tomorrow Friday will be in the Market Tuesday?
Well,Well; I IFTed to the "I" fund today and if japan or any of the rest of the non christian countries in the "I" fund are open I can make or lose money TOMORROW and MONDAY!!:blink: I won't find out the results until Tuesday morning!:suspicious: Phheewwww!
This is a reminder to post an entry in your account thread. Its been almost three months since your initial entry on January 19th. If your fund allocations remains unchanged just say, "Remain at" then restate your allocations. If you do not make an entry by April 20th, you will be deleted from the Weekly Tracker. We have a rule that your must make an entry in your account at least every three months to remain in the Weekly Tracker. You can read the rules by clicking Tracker Rules in my signature.

Enter you account by clicking here: USNavyRetire's Account