uscfanhawaii's account talk


Active member
Just starting out...hoping to recoup my buy and hold 2008 disaster. I have worked my way back to -20%...ouch!! :eek: I had a nice run on the recent I fund climb, but bailing to F for the duration of October. I just read the thread on <1% IFTs...very interesting! Thanks!
Just starting out...hoping to recoup my buy and hold 2008 disaster. I have worked my way back to -20%...ouch!! :eek: I had a nice run on the recent I fund climb, but bailing to F for the duration of October. I just read the thread on <1% IFTs...very interesting! Thanks!

Most of us took a big hit in 2008, but I learned a valuable lesson and will never ride the market down again (hopefully). Good Luck on your trades!
Originally posted from Squalebear: Definition: A <1%IFT is defined as a "a less then 1% Interfund Transfer".
It is the ability to move small amounts of money within your TSP Account.
Similar to the (L) Funds, it enables you to rebalance your account within
percentages that are <1% either to the next whole percentage upward
or the next whole percentage downward.
This is a 'sticky' thread that has been closed to new comments. It is at the top of the 'Members Account Talk' thread. Anyone new, you should read it! I did not know about it. Thanks again, Squalebear! :)
Happy Turkey Day to all!
Taking the seasonal opportunity to bail to G at COB Black Friday! Will look to buy the next dip. Did you see the Seeking Alpha article that said stocks are 13% overvalued?!
Good Luck out there! :worried:
I graduated from U of H at Manoa. 1983. Geography, Cartography. Before GIS. I did the sweetest maps for the USDA with my background, even using digital mapping. Professor Wingert rocks.
OK, check this out.
I looked at how many are in the autotracker (485), and thot I'd see what the median return was and who had it (seeing how there has been some talk about buy-and-hold vs timers). So number 242 is............(drumroll)............. L INCOME!! At 4.53%. I didn't make this up!
Comments? :blink:
So Santa had to take a little breather today....I'm still stayin with him to the end of the month....maybe thru the first part of Jan. KEEP IT COMIN', SANTA!!
Since I already used my 2 wishes this month, I am keeping amused with Squalebear's <1% IFT. I went from C 20.03%/S 50.21%/I 29.76% to C 21%/S 50%/I 29% for my third IFT, pushing some I to C (albeit very little :toung: ). Just stayin' in the game!
OK, check this out.
I looked at how many are in the autotracker (485), and thot I'd see what the median return was and who had it (seeing how there has been some talk about buy-and-hold vs timers). So number 242 is............(drumroll)............. L INCOME!! At 4.53%. I didn't make this up!
Comments? :blink:

That's interesting. How about a numbers cruncher calculating the average return for the tracker participants. :blink:
Ok, Ok, Ok....when I last checked the median tracker account it was around Thanksgiving. So a lot has changed between then and now, right?! So I did it again...the tracker has grown to 545 accounts. Median is #273 now. OK, let's look.....drumroll again.....L Income AGAIN....or STILL. At 5.61%. I SWEAR, I did not juice the data, or wait for the opportune time....I blindly ran the numbers and came out with the L Income of all things! Twice now! Any Comments?! :nuts:
It just proves that old saying that time in the market can often be more rewarding than timing the market.
It just proves that old saying that time in the market can often be more rewarding than timing the market.

Amen to that, Birch! You gotta be careful out there!
My TSP peak was Dec 2007. I still have not gotten back there, even with 3 yrs of contributions and matching funds and their DCA! I wonder if that is typical? I wonder if any buy and holders were able to get back to Dec 2007 levels yet.... :suspicious:
Yeah, I was held L2040 through most of the downturn, and have been holding mostly S fund since June. I don't have the numbers with me, but I think I'm up, even excluding new contributions.

Good luck getting back on top of the wave.
My TSP peak was Dec 2007. I still have not gotten back there, even with 3 yrs of contributions and matching funds and their DCA! I wonder if that is typical? I wonder if any buy and holders were able to get back to Dec 2007 levels yet.... :suspicious:[/QUOTE]
FWIW: My TSP peak was Sept. 1997 and I just got past that last week. Just stick with it and you'll get there.
Maybe, not in your time, but in God's time.
Shucks!! Before the latest August crash, I was ALMOST back to where I was at my TSP peak in Dec of 2007. Now I am again well below that, even with my matched contributions for the last almost 4 years. :eek:
So what I am wondering, is how does that compare to the rest of you out there, my fellow TSP Talkers. For those of you that have been in TSP for a while....say 10 years....when was your peak?!? Are you above your pre-2008 crash numbers? Are you currently at your peak?
I think I am looking for some encouragement here......:blink:
Shucks!! Before the latest August crash, I was ALMOST back to where I was at my TSP peak in Dec of 2007. Now I am again well below that, even with my matched contributions for the last almost 4 years. :eek:
So what I am wondering, is how does that compare to the rest of you out there, my fellow TSP Talkers. For those of you that have been in TSP for a while....say 10 years....when was your peak?!? Are you above your pre-2008 crash numbers? Are you currently at your peak?
I think I am looking for some encouragement here......:blink:

I am up from my peak. Actually, I was higher the end of the 3rd quarter of 07 than I was the 4th quarter. Adding up the numbers, I am above my previous high, but if I add my contributions and the government matching since then (07), I am down where I should be (assuming no growth since then, only contributions).
I am up from my peak. Actually, I was higher the end of the 3rd quarter of 07 than I was the 4th quarter. Adding up the numbers, I am above my previous high, but if I add my contributions and the government matching since then (07), I am down where I should be (assuming no growth since then, only contributions).

My gauge will be the bottom line ... how much cash is in my account when I retire.
OK, OK....I didn't get my afternoon rally as I was exiting equities today, darn it! Strangely enough though, I moved up 2 spaces on the AT even while posting a negative 1% on the day! So others were diving down even more...
I wanted to be out by the J.Hole speech, cause I think a fair number of people will be disappointed with the lack of action from the FED. After all, not much more they can do. That, combined with the charts showing a definite downward bias, AND the downward bias for seasonality. I was one of those who put in the 'bearish' reading for next week's survey. But when I get my new wishes for Sept I will be on the lookout for a good re-entry point! :rolleyes:
Until then, I still can do my <1% IFTs cause I left a pittance in S and I! :cool: