tsptalk after dark?


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I could see it now. Guys getting carried away posting explicit pictures from porn sites and search engines associating TspTalk with porn sites. No thanks!

Not to mention the women and gay men that would post similar pictures of men! No thank you.
Too few girls here to make this interesting, I hereby declare this thread a sausage fest...
Alright!! We've had some fun so lets shut this one down and call it a night. Don't want anyone to get into trouble.
maybe the thread title could've been better worded. 'after dark' has such a negative connotation. 'before dawn' is more accurate, because that's when the real freaks get it on anyways.

as it stands now, nobody has said no, 5 have said they don't care, and 2 have said yes. now you can voice any opinion you want, but unless you vote opinions don't count for jack.

2 ayes, 0 nayes, the ayes have it. don't care ambivalence votes count for nothing. there has got to be at least 3 closet puritans out there brave enough to take a stand, so it could be close.

at least that's the way i learned parlimentary procedure from daytime tv when i was a kid. and just trust me on this one, you don't want to have a parlimentary procedure done on you. that's when parliment takes all your money and you just get screwed.
In my opinion this must be understood:
All threads must follow the rules, we need to make it clear that this one is no different than any other and posts that could upset some members will not be allowed. No XXX at TSP Talk.