TSPIntel's Account Talk

This is one you need to pay attention to::)

Stochastic Oscillator

What Does Stochastic Oscillator Mean?
A technical momentum indicator that compares a security's closing price to its price range over a given time period. The oscillator's sensitivity to market movements can be reduced by adjusting the time period or by taking a moving average of the result. This indicator is calculated with the following formula:

%K = 100[(C - L14)/(H14 - L14)] (more)

nnuut: You are right on the money, we need to pay attention to the %K and %D Stochastic Osillator. YAHOO charts provides us those indicators. Also the candle sticks are good to watch. TSPTalk did have an outanding observation on the S&P gap also. The sentiment survey is a huge plus also. To do a profitable IFT is an art. :)
When it comes to TSP investing to include - charts, trends, fallings knives, dead cats, etc, etc....Do you ever feel like having a Blue Hawaiian and just play follow the leader? That is how I always feel! :D
jpcavin: I would alternate the Blue Hawaiian with the Green Margarita Patron and observe the moon phases in a romantic way. :D
According to moon phases theory, the New Moons are highly correlated with peaks in the stock market indexes while Full Moons are highly correlated with bottoms. Simple reference: Buy stock index around Full Moons and Sell stocks index around New Moons. The moon phases theory does NOT say that it will be a peak on ALL New Moons nor a bottom on ALL Full Moons. It may well take two or three New Moons to reach an exit peak or two or three Full Moons to reach an entry bottom. Patience is a virtue. :)
What is a Slow Stochastic?

konakathy: Slow stochastic is a technical indicator... I use the one year. YAHOO will charted for you. This website will give you some idea. ;) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stochastic_oscillator

Ooohhh! At first, I thought Stochastic Oscillator was a Kama Sutra position:embarrest: Gee, the things you learn on this board. But, I'm with jp...
I'll just have that Blue Hawaiian and maybe a Green Patron Margarita too! ;)
Ooohhh! At first, I thought Stochastic Oscillator was a Kama Sutra position:embarrest: Gee, the things you learn on this board. But, I'm with jp...
I'll just have that Blue Hawaiian and maybe a Green Patron Margarita too! ;)
I love your correlation about the Stochastic Oscillator and your sense of humor of course. :)
The Sentiment Survey result was Hold! I am Holding too! :) No pain no gain! :) By the way, if still can do an IFT, today (Friday expiration day) is still a good day to consolidate all the TSP Funds into the S-Fund and follow the Sentiment Survey (9.16% return YTD) religiously. The Third Quarter Moon Phase will start next Tuesday on May 24th. The Full Moon U-S-U-A-L-L-Y purge all its light and brightness into the earth and with it all the green $$$$ into the stock market. We expect to be laundered the Full Moon from the Third Quarter all the way to at least the New Moon (June 1st) or to the 8th when the 1st Quater will begin. ;)
you do your trading according to the moon? ... interesting theory. this market is crazy right now so your theory probably works just as good as the others imo. :D
you do your trading according to the moon? ... interesting theory. this market is crazy right now so your theory probably works just as good as the others imo. :D

Yeah this might be an effective trick if you were a spiritist trying to convince the person on the other side of the table to give you all the money in their wallet, but probably not a good idea when playing with your retirement money, and your families potential future well being. If your gonna use this method make sure you wear the long pointed tin foil hat and get one of those smoke machines. Hehe:laugh:
I moved today from the S-Fund and I am 100% on the G spot. It seems the effect of the Full Moon had been extended. Besides today the market open down and it was down till the last minute I was able to make my third IFT. Another good reason was the 2DFDM two consecutive Down Friday and Down Monday. Finally this coming Friday is a long weekend and investor one to go cash so I will wait till the Full Moon on June 15th. We will see what does the Full Moon brings. ;)
CONGRATULATIONS! For those who did have the guts to take the pain... the time to laundered the New Moon and cash some gain... is around HERE... The New Moon June 1st, 2011. :)
Come out, come out, wherever you are. This is no time to hide. We need your guidance, the New Moon is almost here !!
Mista Magee: There is nothing to do. We are only allowed 2 IFTs per month. Congratulations to those who cash their gain on New Moon's Eve. I am on the G-spot also doing some bottom-fishing again. Hope the Full Moon will light my deep-bottom around the 15th of June. Remember June 17th is an expiration day and it may be till the 23er of June when the 3er Moon's phase will begin. Let's watch out for THE SENTIMENT SURVEY RESULTS, the candle and Bollinger Bands charts, and the Stochastic Oscillator also. After June 21st is when the SUN star going toward the South Hemisphere from its highest North Hemisphere and anything may happen too. Trend is GOOD on a Pre-election year. Season is BAD on Summer. Randomness: QE2 is close to ended, Japan 3er quarter negative, China raising interest rate and putting the brakes to its economy, Greece in a bad shape as well Portugal, Spain, Ireland (volcano), Germany economy tired to do all the bail outs. Bulls and Bears are intensifying their fights. Going on vacation for couple days and be disconected. Be back by next Tueday. :)
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Konakathy: That's funny. :) I not even know myself what kind of ET am I. I just wake up once in this planet. ;) According with the http://www.chartoftheday.com/20110603.htm?T June is usually BEARISH!!! Even the Bull of Jim Cramer is confused these days. “Do not do nothing these days is not a bad thing”. Too many things are happening: Full Moon and Full Moon Eclipse on June 15th Buy Full Moon and Sell New Moon. But Last Summer the Full Moon Eclipse was Bearish Big Time. Stock Options Expiration Day is also on Friday, June 17th. Calls and Puts Options ratio tend to balance. This may be a beginning of a Bullish Pull. The Summer Solstice is on June21st and this may have a positive market impact also. QE2 is ended and there will be no QE3. It seems that QE2 did not do its work on the unemployment and on the home mortgages; this Fed accommodation is Bearish Big Time also. I am on the G-Funds till I feel bottom on the S or I Funds. Keep in touch.
Konakathy: That's funny. :) I not even know myself what kind of ET am I. I just wake up once in this planet. ;) According with the http://www.chartoftheday.com/20110603.htm?T June is usually BEARISH!!! Even the Bull of Jim Cramer is confused these days. “Do not do nothing these days is not a bad thing”. Too many things are happening: Full Moon and Full Moon Eclipse on June 15th Buy Full Moon and Sell New Moon. But Last Summer the Full Moon Eclipse was Bearish Big Time. Stock Options Expiration Day is also on Friday, June 17th. Calls and Puts Options ratio tend to balance. This may be a beginning of a Bullish Pull. The Summer Solstice is on June21st and this may have a positive market impact also. QE2 is ended and there will be no QE3. It seems that QE2 did not do its work on the unemployment and on the home mortgages; this Fed accommodation is Bearish Big Time also. I am on the G-Funds till I feel bottom on the S or I Funds. Keep in touch.

I'm with you here tspintel.
Going to sitting in G till it bottoms... but who knows when that will be!???
I am sure a lot of us wish we were. Kinda bearish around here :D
RealMoneyIssues: Hang in there the bottom is here or around the corner. At least a rebounce is being due soon. It may happens anytime. The 150 moving average had been hit and it may be hard to break it through without a rebounce. Beside the Full Moon is coming to town and a Full Moon Eclipse as well. The Stock Options Calls and Puts ratio will be balance somehow with a bullish rebounce. Hang in there. you have not lost any shares. Rule #1 DO NOT SELL, DO NOT TAKE LOSES !;)
I'm with you here tspintel.
Going to sitting in G till it bottoms... but who knows when that will be!???
NGUYENSV: CONGRATULATIONS!!!! You are keeping yourself on the top 5 of the Autotraker. On the 4th place going to the 3er to be exactly. Good question. The Full Moon is just a reference or an indicator. The 150 moving average is here... we may stay there till couple days before the Full Moon. Or if it gets broken we may wait till the actual Full Moon with Full Moon Eclipse... Just an idea. Good Luck on your TSP Trading... Keep in touch. ;)