TSP Talk Mug Shots!

That's one ugly mug. Innovative, but ugly. Glad Tom isn't selling any of those. ;)

Hey, don't laugh. It's an old trick my basketball coach taught me when i used to be terrible at freethrows. He said get a routine, do it the same way every time, and visualize success.

So for a while now i've been getting up every morning and making coffee, putting it in a to go cup, and most importantly pretending it was a tsptalk mug. Seems to have worked, so there.

Ugly? did i mention it also comes in blue?

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Hey, don't laugh. It's an old trick my basketball coach taught me when i used to be terrible at freethrows. He said get a routine, do it the same way every time, and visualize success.

So for a while now i've been getting up every morning and making coffee, putting it in a to go cup, and most importantly pretending it was a tsptalk mug. Seems to have worked, so there.

Ugly? did i mention it also comes in blue?

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I wonder if we could get Tom to put some T shirts up for sale using the same approach? Anyone got a magic marker? ;)
I kept one in stock in case burro ever won. :laugh:

Just kidding burro. Your [black] mug is on its way.

Which of the Big Island Bee's Honey tastes more like traditional (regular) honey. Thinking of ordering and don't want one that's too exotic, flavorful, etc. Don't want the samplers either. Thanks.
So it's summertime which is the perfect time to go on a road trip. Remember when your dad would stop by the side of the road and make everybody get out and take some silly picture in front of the 'welcome to (insert name here) sign on the interstate?

If you have any tsptalk branded gear then get your butt out there, burn some gas, take the picture, learn how to post over in the new media area already, and get it done.

Let's see how soon we can cross off all 50 states and however many territories.

I'll pick up a dozen or so before the fall just for gits and shiggles. I dare you to beat me to it.
Thank you Tom.

I just got my tsptalk coffee mug in the mail today. I couldn't wait to get home and put in on the shelf next to my son's baseball trophys. This thing is soooo shiny.

I don't even dare drink coffee out of it i think. Would hate to sully it. It even came in a box inside a box, like some russian nesting doll. I swear when i opened it i heard the angels sing, whaaaaaa. Like i found the holy grail or something. Cool.

I'm going to have to win another one to drink out of and buy some expensive coffee.
Lookin' forward to the pics, burro. (Also still looking for a good shisa for you).

For Tom: Is there a way to make the images link more prominent in the forum? It doesn't exactly jump out at me when I check the recent activity. And I want to be sure I don't miss any of the TSP mug action shots! ;)

(edit: OK, I see that if I scroll down beyond the top 20 stats, the images are pretty prominent along the right-hand side. I guess I just don't scroll down often enough. :rolleyes:)
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Lookin' forward to the pics, burro. (Also still looking for a good shisa for you).

For Tom: Is there a way to make the images link more prominent in the forum? It doesn't exactly jump out at me when I check the recent activity. And I want to be sure I don't miss any of the TSP mug action shots! ;)

(edit: OK, I see that if I scroll down beyond the top 20 stats, the images are pretty prominent along the right-hand side. I guess I just don't scroll down often enough. :rolleyes:)
Yeah, the sidebar. There is also the Mug Shots link in the "Media" drop down menu above. If this becomes popular, and I hope it does, I will give it its own, more prominent button similar to the AutoTracker botton above.
Nice new pics over in the media area. I'm swamped at work right now and my road trip plans have changed, but i'll sneak my mug shot in there somewhere, sometime.

Some random observations:

Now i finally get uscfanhawaii's username, it took me a while.
Mike must be good at this investing stuff.
Nnuut's wife looks good in a pool but could use a shave.
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Been trying to get her to pluck out those whiskers, but you know how women are.:toung:

You're a good sport man. In about 20 years i hope i can rock a tan like that. That's when i plan to not work on maggie's farm no more.
You're a good sport man. In about 20 years i hope i can rock a tan like that. That's when i plan to not work on maggie's farm no more.
I have countless Bourbon and Cokes invested in that tan, it's not easy. Plowing the south 40 can get old, retire has no W-O-R-K in it!;)
C'mon frixxxx, you don't really leave that shiny cup on the roof of your car every morning when you leave for work do you?

i only do that sometimes.

And how did you get tom to issue the new mugs in an exact color match of your paint scheme? You must have some pull or something.
C'mon frixxxx, you don't really leave that shiny cup on the roof of your car every morning when you leave for work do you?
Nah, It's aerodynamic and all, but I gotta drink my coffee in the morning.

i only do that sometimes.
I see a new thread topic!:toung:
And how did you get tom to issue the new mugs in an exact color match of your paint scheme? You must have some pull or something.
Too funny! Actually, my car is more Air Force blue then black (like the mug). Yesterday (and today) is the rare condition of rain down here in sunny SoCal. I'll get a better pic with the sun setting over the lake next week.