TSP Roll over to IRA

What is the 2IFT/mo rule? I thought we could make moves on a daily basis. I haven't touched my thrift yet. Just thinking it's time to make a move to either move all to an IRA or leave in tsp and take out monthly pmts. to supplement my regular annuity. Thanks.
Thrift Savings Board thought it was costing everyone too much to have unlimited trades. They really only want people to buy and hold and not time the market. So they only let you do 2 intrafund transfers per month.

What is the 2IFT/mo rule? I thought we could make moves on a daily basis. I haven't touched my thrift yet. Just thinking it's time to make a move to either move all to an IRA or leave in tsp and take out monthly pmts. to supplement my regular annuity. Thanks.
You must consider that both a traditional IRA and TSP have a required minimum distribution that will hurt you later in life for more taxes. If you want to take a monthly withdrawal from TSP you can put that money into a Roth IRA that has no RMD. You just pay your taxes up front. Take gentle montly payments and use the rest to make more money in TSP that is quite cost effective.
for most of us, i think keeping our money in the tsp is the smart thing to do. the cost of maintaing a tsp account is very low and i think there is a sufficient number of investment options and withdrawal options to satisfy most of us. i have transferred ira accounts into the tsp and i am very happy i have done so. i am no investment wiz and don't think most of us are. don't let anybody, talk you into transferring your money out of the tsp, unless you yourself know exactly what you are doing. stay away from free seminars/sales pitches, promising you high returns. i have heard too many horror stories. we have spent too many years growing our tsp account, to risk it on a stranger's word(commissioned salesperson). if you are retired, safeguard your account and that means leaving it in the tsp. interest rates are expected to rise over the next 2-3 years and that would make a lifetime annuity more attractive and a good withdrawal option. retirement is not a time for risk. i have been retired for 7 years and i am looking forward to making a withdrawal option to supplement my csrs pension. if rates go up, i will purchase an annuity. i want a carefree/risk free/ peace of mind retirement and i want that for all of my fellow retirees.