I was going to tack on to an already existing thread, but it seems to be over three years old. I'm 71, and I am now required to take money out of my TSP, Uncle Sam wants his tax money. (Note: my wife and I are doing ok on my Navy pension, FERS, and both our SS's; our CD's of course are way down right now.)
Question is, Full TSP withdrawal (and reinvestment, my wife and I do not need a wheelbarrel of money right now) less 20% to fed income tax right off the top, and a bump to a higher tax bracket, NO. Or put my entire balance into the ANNUITY. Or take the monthly Minimum Withdrawal?
Using the tsp.gov Calculator, I come up with this comparison ($ amounts are approximate, but close):
Total Accumulative by Year
10 Annuity $91000 vs TSP $58000
15............137000............ 94000
20............183000........... 130000
25........... 229000........... 166000
30........... 275000........... 196000
Contrary to posts I've read, isn't the Annuity the better choice? Even if I went 50/50, that is, split my TSP balance evenly between Annuity/Monthly Minimum Withdrawal, the Annuity still wins by a good margin. Seems to me the LFund would have to grow substantially to be a good investment for me in my 'golden years'. Why should I not choose the annuity route? I've got to decide soon.
Question is, Full TSP withdrawal (and reinvestment, my wife and I do not need a wheelbarrel of money right now) less 20% to fed income tax right off the top, and a bump to a higher tax bracket, NO. Or put my entire balance into the ANNUITY. Or take the monthly Minimum Withdrawal?
Using the tsp.gov Calculator, I come up with this comparison ($ amounts are approximate, but close):
Total Accumulative by Year
10 Annuity $91000 vs TSP $58000
15............137000............ 94000
20............183000........... 130000
25........... 229000........... 166000
30........... 275000........... 196000
Contrary to posts I've read, isn't the Annuity the better choice? Even if I went 50/50, that is, split my TSP balance evenly between Annuity/Monthly Minimum Withdrawal, the Annuity still wins by a good margin. Seems to me the LFund would have to grow substantially to be a good investment for me in my 'golden years'. Why should I not choose the annuity route? I've got to decide soon.