TSP Jail

the new Beltway Talk forum is turning out nicely, things have sure quieted down a bit here now that many of the political discussions have moved over there.

and don't you miss those spirited discussions sometimes? maybe not your favorite show, but there's always something interesting to watch on that channel.

it hasn't turned into the free-for-all some may have feared. oh, we do get our feathers ruffled from time to time, but that is to be expected when people of strong conviction share their views.

so come on over some time, we don't bite, although some do like to bare their teeth. besides, it's an election year and you may want to get familiar with the new interface for when you feel like screaming at the tv come november.

Hey, burro ol' buddy, we've missed seeing your smiling face lately. Did someone give you a three day pass? :D

Hope all is well.
have a nice trip,

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sit tight there honey, your papers are on the judge's desk, i'm sure he'll sign them just as soon as he finishes that conference going on in the back room with the clerk and recorder, be out in no time.
could you be a little more specific?

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i hope you don't mind the tagline.

besides, "i'm mohatma ghandi and i've been reincarnated to come back and kick your can" just wouldn't fit on the card.

winner winner chicken dinner, y'all want fries with that?
Yes, my first post... but sadly, my reference to "not winning anything in a while" refers to my investment non-strategy, rather than my collection of Burrocrat's chicken dinners.
Welcome to August - we're out of jail!!

how are you going to use them there trades? itchy trigger finger?

i used both of mine most every month last year, have tried this year to only trade when things are clear a big move is coming.

the good news is i've only made 4 trades so far, the bad news is i've got it wrong every time.
Man I need one of those. I've already been suspended twice because of my vitriolic and vituperative humor.

dude, you got the first one, that ain't enough? and the first sticky pants one too.

you da bomb, change avatar or do something stoopid you get another one. carte blanche for the founding member, what you need?