Stoplight also said he never heard of anyone who voluntarily switched back when FERS first came out! And I have only met one other. So I guess the 1 hundredth of a percent estimate is about right! I still get ribbed about it from my co-workers who never switched, but my TSP balance is WAY bigger than theirs. Difference is that it is gravy for the CSRS'ers, but for me it's my bread and butter!! :nuts:
Your posts are excellent ! It sounds like you did all the right things, and things have worked out for you. I honestly never thought about the whole survivor/heirs issue differences, but for those with kids, that makes a difference !
I'm surprised none of the CSRSers have answered my question about paying in to Social Security. I guess most people worked their 40 quarters or whatever to qualify for SS anyway, before or after working for the Feds, but I would assume (and you know what they say about that !) that their earnings history, and thus, SS payment, would be lower.
Although I had no choice, I certainly think FERS ain't a bad deal !
Like you, I always contributed the max (except for the last few years), including catch-up. It scares me to death when I read about folks now who don't contribute to even get the match, and only take the 1% automatic...WAKE UP, PEOPLE ! It's FREE MONEY !!!
Of course, they are not reading a site like this anyway...
When I was crunching the numbers, trying to decide if I could "afford" to retire at age 57, I was curious to see how things stacked up between if I had been CSRS, vs. FERS....glutton for punishment, I guess
Anyway, I came up with the following :
- My monthly FERS pension is approximately 55% of what my CSRS pension would've been.
- Add in the SS "Supplement" (until I reach age 62) and SS after I reach 62, and my monthly income is ~ 82% of my CSRS pension
- I had a little over $500K in the TSP when I retired, so withdrawal from that can easily make up the 18% difference, and then some !
I guess we've wandered from the OP's original topic, but the discussions have been interesting to me !