TrueHonest's Account Talk

I am going in the GGG fund for the whole week of: 01/28/08 - 02/01/08 (Monday - Friday).

Total Score: -8.45%

01/01/ - 01/04/08: -5.08% [SS] ***(1)
01/07/ - 01/11/08: -1.41% [I I] ***(2)
01/14/ - 01/17/08: +0.08% [GG]
01/18/ - 01/22/08: -1.73% [CC]
01/23/ - 01/23/08: -0.60% [I I]
01/24/ - 01/24/08: +0.00% [GG] ***(3)

01/28/ - 02/01/08: +0.00% [GG]

***(1) A Mistake in my Equations. I Should have been in the G fund.
***(2) An Error in my Equations. I Should have been in the C fund.
***(3) My Emotion got the best of me. No More. I will follow ANES to the letter.
I have upgraded my software & I am trying out A New Experimental System. I call it ANES.

ANES sounds like my username Truehonest. Coincidence or Not???

A Real McCoy or A dud - Time will tell.

Please, do not ask any question about my New Experimental System (ANES). This is only a beta version.(to be tested)

:D Now you know the truth :D
  1. Put contribution in TSP Retirement since 1991
  2. 2007 ==> In January, I bought basic A.I.P. [Artificial Intelligent Program]
  3. Year 2008 Prediction: Guaranteed at least 11% to 26% for this year.
TrueHonest, if you work for NASA or any other government agency, I would advise removing any reference to NASA from your posts. Having any reference to using government equipment or implying the use of NASA expertise for personal gain would be looked on very dimly if the IG was to get wind of it.

Just a word of caution - I don't want to see any of my fellow TSPTalkers get into serious trouble.
I am going in the III fund for the whole week of: 02/04/08 - 02/08/08 (Monday - Friday).

I am overdue to get it right.

Total Score: -9.81%

01/01/ - 01/04/08: -5.00% [SS] ***(1)
01/07/ - 01/11/08: -1.42% [I I] *** (2)
01/14/ - 01/17/08: +0.08% [GG]
01/18/ - 01/22/08: -1.73% [CC]
01/23/ - 01/23/08: -0.60% [I I ] ***(3)
01/24/ - 01/24/08: +0.00% [GG] ***(3)
01/25/ - 01/25/08: -1.57% [CC] ***(3)
01/28/ - 02/01/08: +0.08% [GG]

***(1) A Mistake in my Equations. I Should have been in the G fund.
***(2) An Error in my Equations. I Should have been in the C fund.
***(3) My Emotion got the best of me. No More. I will follow ANES to the letter.
I have upgraded my software & I am trying out A New Experimental System. I call it ANES.

ANES sounds like my username Truehonest. Coincidence or Not???

A Real McCoy or A dud - Time will tell.

Please, do not ask any question about my New Experimental System (ANES). This is only a beta version.(to be tested)

:D Now you know the truth :D
  1. Put contribution in TSP Retirement since 1991
  2. 2007 ==> In January, I bought basic A.I.P. [Artificial Intelligent Program]
  3. Year 2008 Prediction: Guaranteed at least 11% to 26% for this year.
I got restricted from IFT.

Too Bad. I just finished my ANES Version 7.13 that can analyst and predict by weekly. I could have gain big ones this week if I was not restricted. My Old ANES Version 2.4 is a wash out (NO GOOD).

When are they going to give me a parole for good behavior ( Not exceeding 3 IFT) ?

ANES 7.13 Predicts - F fund all week [4-07 to 4-11].

Total Score: 0%

04/07/ - 04/011/08: % [FF]
I have upgraded my software & I am trying out A New Experimental System. I call it ANES.

ANES sounds like my username Truehonest. Coincidence or Not???

A Real McCoy or A dud - Time will tell.

Please, do not ask any question about my New Experimental System (ANES). This is only a beta version.(to be tested)

:D Now you know the truth :D
  1. Put contribution in TSP Retirement since 1991
  2. 2007 ==> In January, I bought basic A.I.P. [Artificial Intelligent Program]
  3. Year 2008 Prediction: Guaranteed at least ?% to ?% for this year.
This Year I got 17% using a trial run. In 2011, I will run my ANES (AIP) 100%. Also, I will include Stocks too, Such as UPRO & SPXU which I got more than 35% this year in my Roth IRA.

TSP Score for 2011: 0%

STOCKS for 2011: UPRO & SPXU

Attached Files Below

I have upgraded my software & I am trying out A New Experimental System. I call it ANES.

ANES sounds like my username Truehonest. Coincidence or Not???

A Real McCoy or A dud - Time will tell.

Please, do not ask any question about my New Experimental System (ANES). This is only a beta version.

:D Now you know the truth :D
  1. Put contribution in TSP Retirement since 1991
  2. 2007 ==> In January, I bought basic A.I.P. [Artificial Intelligent Program]
  3. Year 2011 Prediction in Thrift: Guaranteed at least 17% to 30% for this year.
  4. Year 2011 Prediction in Stock: Guaranteed at least 40% to 70% for this year.
TH, its been awhile since you've posted. Good to hear you're still working on your dream project and that you're happy with this year's results. I would be too, in your shoes. look forward to this time next year and reporting out on how things turned out vs. your current projections for performance. keep at it, sounds like you're definitely gaining ground at refining the program. :cool:
I am going to G fund for the Next week.
For Stock, I am going to Neutral for the Next week.

Thrift Score for 2011: 0%
Stock Score for 2011: 0%

STOCKS for 2011: UPRO & SPXU

[CLICK] Attached Files Below

I have upgraded my software & I am trying out A New Experimental System. I call it ANES.

ANES sounds like my username Truehonest. Coincidence or Not???

A Real McCoy or A dud - Time will tell.

Please, do not ask any question about my New Experimental System (ANES). This is only a beta version.

:D Now you know the truth :D
  1. Put contribution in TSP Retirement since 1991
  2. 2007 ==> In January, I bought basic A.I.P. [Artificial Intelligent Program]
  3. Year 2011 Prediction in Thrift: Guaranteed at least 17% to 30% for this year.
  4. Year 2011 Prediction in Stock: Guaranteed at least 40% to 70% for this year.
I could have gotten higher than 17% but the I Fund messed me up. Unlike the S Fund, The I fund did not produce.

I have upgraded my software & I am trying out A New Experimental System. I call it ANES.

ANES sounds like my username Truehonest. Coincidence or Not???

A Real McCoy or A dud - Time will tell.

Please, do not ask any question about my New Experimental System (ANES). This is only a beta version.

:D Now you know the truth :D
  1. Put contribution in TSP Retirement since 1991
  2. 2007 ==> In January, I bought basic A.I.P. [Artificial Intelligent Program]
  3. Year 2011 Prediction in Thrift: Guaranteed at least 17% to 30% for this year.
  4. Year 2011 Prediction in Stock: Guaranteed at least 40% to 70% for this year.
I am going to I fund for the Next week.
For Stock, I am going to upro for the Next week.

Thrift Score for 2011: 0%
Stock Score for 2011: 0%

STOCKS for 2011: UPRO & SPXU

[CLICK] Attached Files Below

I have upgraded my software & I am trying out A New Experimental System. I call it ANES.

ANES sounds like my username Truehonest. Coincidence or Not???

A Real McCoy or A dud - Time will tell.

Please, do not ask any question about my New Experimental System (ANES). This is only a beta version.

:D Now you know the truth :D
  1. Put contribution in TSP Retirement since 1991
  2. 2007 ==> In January, I bought basic A.I.P. [Artificial Intelligent Program]
  3. Year 2011 Prediction in Thrift: Guaranteed at least 17% to 30% for this year.
  4. Year 2011 Prediction in Stock: Guaranteed at least 40% to 70% for this year.
Early Announcement:

I am staying to I fund for the Next week.
For Stock, I am staying to UPRO for the Next week.

Thrift Score for 2011: 3.18%
Stock Score for 2011: 3.04%

I have upgraded my software & I am trying out A New Experimental System. I call it ANES.

ANES sounds like my username Truehonest. Coincidence or Not???

A Real McCoy or A dud - Time will tell.

Please, do not ask any question about my New Experimental System (ANES). This is only a beta version.

:D Now you know the truth :D
  1. Put contribution in TSP Retirement since 1991
  2. 2007 ==> In January, I bought basic A.I.P. [Artificial Intelligent Program]
  3. Year 2011 Prediction in Thrift: Guaranteed at least 17% to 30% for this year.
  4. Year 2011 Prediction in Stock: Guaranteed at least 40% to 70% for this year.