Transfer 9/20 for 9/21/04

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I use this alias on a couple of other boards. That way, some others know who I am. This board is quite different than many other financial boards I frequent. And I mean this in a good way:D.
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tsptalk wrote:
I have to decide if this is a short term, trying to catch a bounce play, or a longer term hold.  The end of September is pretty weak historically.  October is when to be in.  I'll play it by ear.  I may sell a nice rally.

I hope you sell a nice rally. The market opened flat, but now there appears to be a bounce. What to do now? Short term or longer term? If the rally holds, I am selling today, but I won't stay out long because I expect October to pick up. Like you, "I don't want to miss the dance".
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tsptalk wrote:
MarketTimer wrote:

It is like you are playing poker and on tilt.
I admit it's a gamble, but I think it's too early to say I'm on tilt.If the market is up sharply Friday, would that make youon tilt? ;)

Plus, I've been doing this too long to go on tilt, in poker or the market. I just make adjustments.

Good luck to you too!

"However, I do not think anyone wants to be heavy in stocks over the weekend. All ways dangerous to sell on Fridays for this reason."

Things were looking good until 1pm :?. All that TSP moneywent it and got soaked up byothers :s. Looks like no one wants to hold any stocks on Friday due to a "event" that may move the market happens on the weekend.

G fundshould give us .01 on Monday and I am very happy with that right now.

Hope ya had a great weekend!
