Tracker - Get Started - Action required!


Staff member
Attention members! If you signed up for the new tracker software, we need you to get started today. Login into the new tracker login page to start entering in your IFT information.

If you don't have a password, click on the "forgot password" link and it will be sent to the email address you provided.

For quicker access, I have added a link to the new tracker login page on the TSP Talk home page, down in the Free Services and Features area.

If you haven't started an account, contact EW_ret or ocean for direction. Certain rules apply.
Thank you!
Re: Important! New Tracker Software - Action required!

Just a nitpick ... the word SUBMIT on the 'forgot password' page is spelled wrong. The button says 'SUMBIT'
Re: Important! New Tracker Software - Action required!

Where ? where ?

Good catch. Fixed.

Re: Important! New Tracker Software - Action required!

BTW, the official start of the tracker will be on 8/31 after 12:10 pm ET. So the tracking will begin on 9/4.

Re: Important! New Tracker Software - Action required!

I logged in, and received my password. Now what?

Re: Important! New Tracker Software - Action required!

Start logging your IFT's and the Software seems to track the rest for you.

Do we start today? What about are our current and past allocations? Are they already in the database?
Re: Important! New Tracker Software - Action required!

Oops..I just made an IFT to the F fund, but it was 13 minutes pass the deadline so it said effective for COB 9/3/07. Can this be corrected to reflect COB today?
Re: Important! New Tracker Software - Action required!

Oops..I just made an IFT to the F fund, but it was 13 minutes pass the deadline so it said effective for COB 9/3/07. Can this be corrected to reflect COB today?

3rd is a Holiday. Doesn't matter for the F.
Re: Important! New Tracker Software - Action required!

I'm not certain I understand.

I have not made an IFT recently. Do I wait until my next IFT to do anything in the tracker?

Or must I enter it now and set up my current allocation?

Can somebody in charge please give a response?


Re: Important! New Tracker Software - Action required!

Enter now, and put in your current allocation.

The "autotracker" database is empty until you make your first allocation entry.

You won't see any "results" of performance until after the next set of fund prices gets entered next week.

then the autotracker will display your return automatically, each night, after we enter in the new day's fund prices.

Any IFT done before noon in the autotracker database (actualy, 12:10) will show up as effective that night.

Hope that helps.
Re: Important! New Tracker Software - Action required!

And the "autotracker" is COMPLETELY SEPARATE from the manual "allocations" we do now.

Right now, the autotracker is open to members to keep score. Once we are sure everything is working correctly (like at the end of december), then the manual tracking sheets will cease, and only the auto will be used.
Re: Important! New Tracker Software - Action required!

EW_ret, are you going to update the tracker rules - 10 posts minimum, etc.? Or did you want me to?

Re: Important! New Tracker Software - Action required!

You tested the 12:10 pm ET deadline very nicely. We thank you very much for your help. If I change your IFT date, that opens up a "bag of weasels" for others that post after the deadline. We know 9/3 is a hoilday. After we enter todays IFTs, we will modify the next trade for 9/4 using administrators "Holiday- Change IFT Date" menu. The tracker does not presently know the holidays. Your IFT will occur COB Tuesday, 9/4.

3rd is a Holiday. Doesn't matter for the F.
Re: Important! New Tracker Software - Action required!

You should enter your current TSP fund allocation into the Automated Tracker, as if you going to make a IFT. That way we have a starting fund allocation in the database for you. I did not plan on entering all members' starting fund allocations when I do not know if they want to participate in this testing.

I'm not certain I understand.

I have not made an IFT recently. Do I wait until my next IFT to do anything in the tracker?

Or must I enter it now and set up my current allocation?

Can somebody in charge please give a response?


Re: Important! New Tracker Software - Action required!

You tested the 12:10 pm ET deadline very nicely. We thank you very much for your help. If I change your IFT date, that opens up a "bag of weasels" for others that post after the deadline. We know 9/3 is a hoilday. After we enter todays IFTs, we will modify the next trade for 9/4 using administrators "Holiday- Change IFT Date" menu. The tracker does not presently know the holidays. Your IFT will occur COB Tuesday, 9/4.

That's not right. I made my IFT to the F fund today in my account thread on time. I just didn't know that we were suppose to post in the new tracker until it was too late. Surely you can make an exception here. I'm not trying to do a Monday quarterback.
Re: Important! New Tracker Software - Action required!

Yes, I will create a separate set of rules that are germane to the Automated Tracker. We still have the current rules that apply to the current WebTracker. I see we need two sets of rules during the interim because they require different controls. We should also have a separate subforum or forum dedicated to the Automated Tracker and all the subject matter it will generate.

EW_ret, are you going to update the tracker rules - 10 posts minimum, etc.? Or did you want me to?

Re: Important! New Tracker Software - Action required!

You are right, considering the entry in your regular account thread was on time. I will make exception today. I will change the IFT date to COB today (8/31) for those members that made their entry by 12:30 pm ET. You do realize we are still testing, and the returns published from the Automated Tracker are not official yet.

That's not right. I made my IFT to the F fund today in my account thread on time. I just didn't know that we were suppose to post in the new tracker until it was too late. Surely you can make an exception here. I'm not trying to do a Monday quarterback.