Top Decile Daily Results

Daily Results Top Decile (Monday, August 13, 2007)

Griffin____________15.18% 1.20% 1.20% +2
BigJohn__________14.91% 0.50% 0.50% -1
Dr. Faustus_______13.98% 0.08% 0.08% -1
SentimentSurvey__13.38% 0.20% 0.20%
KnotGuilty________12.65% 0.96% 0.96% +2
SafetyGuy________12.31% 0.08% 0.08% -1
ChemEng_________11.89% 0.08% 0.08% -1
CopterDoc________11.34% 0.08% 0.08%
Pyriel____________10.16% 1.20% 1.20% +2
Towanda_________9.34% 0.08% 0.08% -1
Weatherweenie____9.22% 0.28% 0.28% -1
WindHunter_______8.33% 0.00% 0.00%

Format: Name, YTD Return, Weekly Return, Daily Return, Rank Change

Top Dog = Griffin 15.18%
Top Week = Griffin & Pyriel 1.20%
Top Today = Griffin & Pyriel 1.20%

Today's Allocations:
BigJohn 50S 50I
Dr.Faustus 100G
Griffin 100I
SentimentSurvey 100S
SafetyGuy 100G
ChemEng 100G
KnotGuilty 20F 80I
CopterDoc 100G
Towanda 100G
Weatherweenie 50G 30C 20I
Pyriel 100I
WindHunter 100C

Today's Moves(Aug. 6th):
ChemEng 100I
KnotGuilty 20C 80I


Internet is back! Welcome new members CopterDoc, Weatherweenie, and Wind Hunter.
After close of business yesterday, Griffin stated he should be at 13.34%. I will make the change tonight.

FYI, I use Rokid's tally for my information. I'm sure Rokid uses the tracker for his data. I'm sure EWGuy will correct Griffin's allocations this week. Got that?

Thanks Griffin for letting me know your return was in error!

Daily Results Top Decile (Tuesday, August 14, 2007)

Dr. Faustus_______13.98% 0.08% 0.00% +2
BigJohn__________12.74% 1.39% 1.89%
SafetyGuy________12.31% 0.08% 0.00% +3
CopterDoc________11.34% 0.08% 0.00% +4
Griffin____________11.27% 0.63% 1.83% -4
SentimentSurvey__11.17% 2.15% 1.95% -2
KnotGuilty________10.59% 0.87% 1.83% -2
ChemEng_________9.84% 1.75% 1.83% -1
Towanda_________9.34% 0.08% 0.00% +1
Weatherweenie____8.22% 0.64% 0.92% +1
Pyriel____________8.14% 0.63% 1.83% -2
WindHunter_______6.33% 1.85% 1.85%

Format: Name, YTD Return, Weekly Return, Daily Return, Rank Change

Top Dog = Dr. Faustus 13.98%
Top Week = G Funders
Top Today = G Funders

Today's Allocations:
BigJohn 50S 50I
Dr.Faustus 100G
Griffin 100I
SentimentSurvey 100S
SafetyGuy 100G
ChemEng 100I
KnotGuilty 20C 80I
CopterDoc 100G
Towanda 100G
Weatherweenie 50G 30C 20I
Pyriel 100I
WindHunter 100C

Today's Moves:
Weatherweenie 50G 50F

Griffin. He started the week at 12.00%.
New Top Dog. Congrats Dr. Faustus!
Daily Results Top Decile (Wednesday, August 15, 2007)

Dr. Faustus_______13.98% 0.08% 0.00%
SafetyGuy________12.31% 0.08% 0.00% +1
CopterDoc________11.34% 0.08% 0.00% +1
BigJohn__________10.64% 3.25% 1.86% -2
Towanda_________9.34% 0.08% 0.00% +4
SentimentSurvey___9.19% 3.93% 1.78%
Griffin____________9.10% 2.58% 1.95% -2
KnotGuilty________8.58% 2.69% 1.82% -1
Weatherweenie____8.22% 0.64% 0.00% +1
ChemEng_________7.70% 3.70% 1.95% -2
Pyriel____________6.03% 2.58% 1.95%
WindHunter_______4.92% 3.17% 1.32%

Format: Name, YTD Return, Weekly Return, Daily Return, Rank Change

Top Dog = Dr. Faustus 13.98%
Top Week = G Funders
Top Today = G Funders

Today's Allocations:
BigJohn 50S 50I
Dr.Faustus 100G
Griffin 100I
SentimentSurvey 100S
SafetyGuy 100G
ChemEng 100I
KnotGuilty 20C 80I
CopterDoc 100G
Towanda 100G
Weatherweenie 50G 50F
Pyriel 100I
WindHunter 100C

Today's Moves:
BigJohn 100I
Griffin 100G
Towanda 100I
Weatherweenie 40G 30C 30I


Beware of Dean!
Daily Results Top Decile (Thursday, August 16, 2007)

Dr. Faustus_______13.98% 0.08% 0.00%
SafetyGuy________12.31% 0.08% 0.00%
CopterDoc________11.34% 0.08% 0.00%
SentimentSurvey___9.77% 3.40% 0.53% +2
BigJohn___________9.67% 4.13% 0.88% -1
Griffin____________9.10% 2.58% 0.00% +1
Towanda_________8.38% 0.80% 0.88% -2
Weatherweenie____8.04% 0.81% 0.17% +1
KnotGuilty________7.88% 3.33% 0.64% -1
ChemEng_________6.75% 4.58% 0.88%
WindHunter_______5.26% 2.85% 0.32% +1
Pyriel____________5.10% 3.46% 0.88% -1

Format: Name, YTD Return, Weekly Return, Daily Return, Rank Change

Top Dog = Dr. Faustus 13.98%
Top Week = G Funders
Top Today = Sentiment Survey 0.53%

Today's Allocations:
BigJohn 100I
Dr.Faustus 100G
Griffin 100G
SentimentSurvey 100S
SafetyGuy 100G
ChemEng 100I
KnotGuilty 20C 80I
CopterDoc 100G
Towanda 100I
Weatherweenie 40G 30C 30I
Pyriel 100I
WindHunter 100C

Today's Moves:
BigJohn 100G
ChemEng 100G
Weatherweenie 40G 20F 20C 20I


Beware of Dean!
Daily Results Top Decile (Friday, August 17, 2007)

Dr. Faustus_______13.98% 0.08% 0.00%
SentimentSurvey__12.38% 1.02% 2.38% +2
SafetyGuy________12.31% 0.08% 0.00% -1
CopterDoc________11.34% 0.08% 0.00% -1
BigJohn__________ 9.67% 4.13% 0.00%
Towanda_________9.58% 0.31% 1.11% +1
KnotGuilty________9.37% 1.95% 1.38% +2
Griffin____________9.10% 2.58% 0.00% -2
Weatherweenie____8.79% 0.11% 0.70% -1
WindHunter_______7.86% 0.38% 2.47% +1
ChemEng_________6.75% 4.58% 0.00% -1
Pyriel____________6.27% 2.35% 1.11%

Format: Name, YTD Return, Weekly Return, Daily Return, Rank Change

Top Dog = Dr. Faustus 13.98%
Top Week = Towanda 0.31%
Top Today = WindHunter 2.47%

Today's Allocations:
BigJohn 100G
Dr.Faustus 100G
Griffin 100G
SentimentSurvey 100S
SafetyGuy 100G
ChemEng 100G
KnotGuilty 20C 80I
CopterDoc 100G
Towanda 100I
Weatherweenie 40G 20F 20C 20I
Pyriel 100I
WindHunter 100C

Today's Moves:
Griffin 100I
Towanda 100G
Weatherweenie 50S 50I


Beware of Dean!
Hi Jeff -

You may have told us already, but can explain the difference between your list and Rokid's? Looking at Friday's, they don't seem to agree. Thanks!

Friday 8/17...

My Friday's results are for last weeks Top Decile. Rokid's sheet is updated with everyone's results. I only track for the week the members that were in the top decile on Monday. No one gets replaced or added through out the week. I update my list on Monday morning. Every Monday you will see in the "News" section a welcome to the new members.

If I replaced members daily as they move into or out of the top decile, I would have to track people outside of the Top Decile. Too much work. Plus with these huge daily swings, you would have to track people in the 3rd and 4th decile. No thanks.

Hope this helps.

BTW, my list is generated from Rokid's list on Monday morning. Thanks Rokid!

Daily Results Top Decile (Monday, August 20, 2007)

Dr. Faustus_______14.07% 0.08% 0.08%
SentimentSurvey__12.85% 0.41% 0.41%
SafetyGuy________12.41% 0.08% 0.08%
CopterDoc________11.43% 0.08% 0.08%
BigJohn__________ 9.75% 0.08% 0.08%
Towanda_________9.67% 0.08% 0.08%
KnotGuilty________9.40% 0.02% 0.02%
Boxholder_________9.16% 0.08% 0.08% +1
Griffin____________9.15% 0.04% 0.04% -1
Weatherweenie____9.04% 0.23% 0.23%
TSP Trader________8.78% 0.18% 0.18%
Pogo_____________8.35% 0.08% 0.08%

Format: Name, YTD Return, Weekly Return, Daily Return, Rank Change

Top Dog = Dr. Faustus 14.07%
Top Week = Sentiment Survey 0.41%
Top Today = Sentiment Survey 0.41%

Today's Allocations:
Dr.Faustus 100G
Sentiment Survey 100S
Safety Guy 100G
CopterDoc 100G
BigJohn 100G
Towanda 100G
KnotGuilty 20C 80I
Griffin 100I
Boxholder 100G
Weatherweenie 50S 50I
TSP Trader 100F
Pogo 100G

Today's Moves:
Griffin 100G
Dr Faustus 100I


Welcome new members: Boxholder, TSP Trader, and Pogo.
Daily Results Top Decile (Tuesday, August 21, 2007)

Dr. Faustus_______14.72% 0.65% 0.57%
SentimentSurvey__13.20% 0.72% 0.31%
SafetyGuy________12.41% 0.08% 0.00%
CopterDoc________11.43% 0.08% 0.00%
KnotGuilty________9.93% 0.50% 0.48% +2
BigJohn__________ 9.75% 0.08% 0.00% -1
Towanda_________9.67% 0.08% 0.00% -1
Boxholder_________9.54% 0.43% 0.35%
Weatherweenie____9.52% 0.67% 0.44% +1
Griffin____________9.15% 0.04% 0.00% -1
TSP Trader________9.06% 0.44% 0.26%
Pogo_____________8.35% 0.08% 0.00%

Format: Name, YTD Return, Weekly Return, Daily Return, Rank Change

Top Dog = Dr. Faustus 14.72%
Top Week = Sentiment Survey 0.72%
Top Today = Dr. Faustus 0.57%

Today's Allocations:
Dr.Faustus 100I
Sentiment Survey 100S
Safety Guy 100G
CopterDoc 100G
BigJohn 100G
Towanda 100G
KnotGuilty 20C 80I
Griffin 100G
Boxholder 25C 40S 35I
Weatherweenie 50S 50I
TSP Trader 100F
Pogo 100G

Today's Moves:
Dr. Faustus 100S
CopterDoc 100I
Towanda 50G 25S 25I

missed Boxholder's move to 25C 40S 35I

Daily Results Top Decile (Wednesday, August 22, 2007)

Dr. Faustus_______16.30% 2.03% 1.38%
SentimentSurvey__14.76% 2.10% 1.38%
CopterDoc________13.57% 2.00% 1.92% +1
SafetyGuy________12.41% 0.08% 0.00% -1
KnotGuilty________11.87% 2.27% 1.77%
Weatherweenie____11.33% 2.32% 1.65% +2
Boxholder_________11.20% 1.95% 1.52% +2
Towanda_________10.58% 0.91% 0.83% -1
BigJohn__________ 9.75% 0.08% 0.00% -3
Griffin____________9.15% 0.04% 0.00%
TSP Trader________8.96% 0.35% 0.09%
Pogo_____________8.35% 0.08% 0.00%

Format: Name, YTD Return, Weekly Return, Daily Return, Rank Change

Top Dog = Dr. Faustus 16.30%
Top Week = KnotGuilty 2.27%
Top Today = KnotGuilty 1.77%

Today's Allocations:
Dr.Faustus 100S
Sentiment Survey 100S
Safety Guy 100G
CopterDoc 100I
BigJohn 100G
Towanda 50G 25S 25I
KnotGuilty 20C 80I
Griffin 100G
Boxholder 25C 40S 35I
Weatherweenie 50S 50I
TSP Trader 100F
Pogo 100G

Today's Moves:
BigJohn 100I
Dr. Faustus 100I


Hey guys I'm still at work. Wx here in ATL tonight was prefect. It sat right over the airport for hours! Anyway, Thursday's edition is cancelled. Gotta fly in the morning, then off to work at lunch. I'll put out Friday's edition sometime Friday evening when I get home. (9ish)