Top Decile Daily Results - May 07

15%......Incredible to me....he's halfway to 30% and still has 7 months to get there......I wonder who will play him in the movie......someone cool and calculating......hmmmm.....maybe Leonardo....

Where is the "I'm in Awe" Icon.
Top 13 Results (Thursday, May 31th)

Thunder 0.31% 15.26% 1.29% 25C 25S 50I
6. 50 Mercury 0.00% 11.26% (0.04%) 60G 40F
7. SafetyGuy 0.00% 11.11% 0.00% 100G
8. Swamp Dog 0.00% 10.82% 0.00% 100G
4. GeorgiaGal 0.37% 11.83% 1.15% 100I
3. ATCJeff 0.37% 12.29% 1.70% 100I
12. ChemEng 0.00% 10.11% (0.09%) 100G
2. Sentiment Survey 0.43%:D 12.40% 2.13% 100S
5. Russell 0.37% 11.50% 1.61% 100I
9. KnotGuilty 0.37% 10.82% 1.15% 100I
10. I Fund 0.37% 10.76% 1.15% 100I
11. Vol46 0.37% 10.76% 1.15% 100I
13. Beavis 0.37% 9.76% 0.37% 100I

Todays Moves
GeorgiaGal 100G
Russell 85G 15I
ATCJeff 100G
Vol46 100G

Format: Name, Todays Return, YTD Return, Week Return, Todays Allocation
Top 13 Results (Tuesday, May 29, 2007)

1. Thunder 0.46% 14.31% 0.46%
2. 50 Mercury (0.04) 11.26% (0.04)
4. SafetyGuy 0.00% 11.11% 0.00%
7. Swamp Dog 0.00% 10.82% 0.00%
3. GeorgiaGal 0.62% 11.24% 0.62%
5. ATCJeff 0.62% 11.08% 0.62%
12. ChemEng (0.09) 10.11% (0.09)
6. Sentiment Survey 0.78% 10.90% 0.78%:D
8. Russell 0.70% 10.49% 0.70%
9. KnotGuilty 0.62% 10.24% 0.62%
10. I Fund 0.62% 10.24% 0.62%
11. Vol46 0.62 10.18% 0.62%
13. Beavis 0.00% 9.36% 0.00%


Well-known member
Top 13 Results (Wednesday, May 30th)

1. Thunder 0.52% 14.91% 0.98%
5. 50 Mercury 0.00 11.26% (0.04)
6. SafetyGuy 0.00% 11.11% 0.00%
8. Swamp Dog 0.00% 10.82% 0.00%
4. GeorgiaGal 0.16% 11.41% 0.78%
3. ATCJeff 0.71% 11.87% 1.33%
12. ChemEng 0.00 10.11% (0.09)
2. Sentiment Survey 0.92% 11.92% 1.70%:D
7. Russell 0.54% 11.08% 1.24%
9. KnotGuilty 0.16% 10.42% 0.78%
10. I Fund 0.16% 10.36% 0.78%
11. Vol46 0.16% 10.36% 0.78%
13. Beavis 0.00% 9.36% 0.00%

If I get positive feedback, I will start posting daily results of the top decile from Rokid's Weekly Tracker. The biggest gainer for the day gets a smiley face. No changes in the top decile until Rokid publishes his tracker. However, you will see the ranking on the left side change as the weekly results change. If you would like to see current allocations, just let me know. I can add this easily.

Format: Ranking, Name, Daily Result, YTD Return, Weekly Gain\Loss
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