To TSP or not to TSP

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I thought we did respond Lacy. If you want more choices, go to an IRA. If you like the TSP investment choices and the low overhead costs, stick with TSP.

We fixed the Firefox problem is case you were wondering. :D 1 out of 2 ain't bad.
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:dah:Do you mean like VanGuard? I mean, after retirement, (excuse me I've had too much wine this evening)...but do you mean that after retirement it would be best to roll over into something like a VanGuard fund?:*
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ehehehe, Lacy.

Should you move your TSP elsewhere? It depends: can you achieve a better return elsewhere?

2/3 or so of mutual funds underperform the market indexes. That means the TSP funds are in the top 1/3. Also, gripe about TSP's IFTs all you want, but they are still just as expedient as most.

If you can beat the TSP funds, by all means, transfer it; otherwise, enjoy the convenience and next-to-nothing fees.

Personally, I will transfer my TSP to a traditional IRA when the time comes. I can do sector plays in my Scottrade IRA for more investment options in most market conditions.

And I still cannot see the graphs in FireFox. That's OK, I don't use it except for testing and "testing" anyway. I can see them in Opera. :D
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Rolo, I may be wrong but it seems your level of expertise in the investing field would be a strong determining factor for staying or leaving the TSP. I don't want to mess with individual stocks at all so would something like Scottrade really be worth me looking into?
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If you need to keep some of your TSP in a riskless asset, the G fund is a free lunch (5 year yield and no market or credit risk. Unless you plan to chase yesterdays returns (buy high/sell low), the TSP funds are adequate for unsophisticated investors such as yourself. I'm keeping my TSP into retirement. BTW, I don't see Eliot Spitzer investigating the TSP.