To TSP or not to TSP

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I am retiring on April 1 and I am wondering is it better to work within in TSP or move to other funds. If this posts then there is a problem witn Mozilla Firefox Browser, I am using IE for this post.
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Hey D&C - welcome.
It should work with Firefox but you are not the first to have problems.

The best things about TSP are the matching funds and low overhead costs. Thedownsides arelimits oninvestments (we need more choices) and the 12 noon deadline.

I'm sure others will chime in.

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tsptalk wrote:
Hey D&C - welcome.
It should work with Firefox but you are not the first to have problems.


Tom it still doesn't work with firefox.... Can you get a update from wow ?

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Skip wrote:
Tom it still doesn't work with firefox.... Can you get a update from wow ?
I am using the most current version and am waiting on the new version due out "soon".I know other wow boards are using firefox successfully and I am out of ideas.

Anyone have any ideas? I'll asksupport again.
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Tom, I am CSRS and don't receive matching funds, but it seems like there is more mobility within TSP than on the outside. I am talking to Fidelity, but their returns don't seem to be any better than I can get in TSP. I will be going to work with the state, and they have a small match, and I have access to the Columbia Acorn Fund that has a 16.42% return for the life of the fund, which goes back to 1970. I am really narrowing it down to 2 choices TSP and Acorn, or Acorn. I welcome any thought on this matter
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16% sounds good but I don't know much about acorn. I was thinking more along the lines of opening an IRA account with a broker where you can buy any fund or stock you wanted.
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Skip wrote:
Tom it still doesn't work with firefox.... Can you get a update from wow ?
It doesn't work with Opera or Mozilla 1.7 either:

Javascript URL thread: "javascript: document.reply_form.message.value = document.forms[1].text_editor.value; document.reply..."
name: TypeError
message: Statement on line 1: Expression evaluated to null or undefined and is not convertible to Object: document.forms[1].text_editor
 In unknown script
 document.reply_form.message.value = document.forms[1].text_editor.value;
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Skip wrote:
Tom it still doesn't work with firefox.... Can you get a update from wow ?
I installed Firefox myself and am experiencing the same problems. Once again I contacted support. Sorry for the inconvenience.
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You can try Firefox again. It is working for me now. I had to delete the PayPal Donate code. Oh well.

I do know the WYSIWYG editor won't work with Firefox. In other words the bold, underline, quotes, etc. won't work without using the codes if you know what I mean.
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PayPal button horked it, eh? Good shot finding that one!

Tom, e-mail me your PayPal button code. I'll see if I can make an unhorked version of it.
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It's shocking to me how you can ask a valid question such as yours and then the message thread seems to get off on the most miniscule point in your your case....the firefox issue.

I've been wondering the same thing about whether to remain in TSP or go somewhere else. Maybe, eventually, someone will respond.