The Top

i envy u, aren't u glad your CSRS ?? looks like your set 2 be flush come retirement time. i have been surveying my compadres and the things they tell me is they can't retire because house payment, kids in school,and bills. i like you am working on all of those. i have 5 to go and i should b able 2 meet my target. 240 days sh-t your already in the go 2 hell club. they say it takes at least a year to fire an employee, keep on keepin on !!!
YES, my friends I am getting SHORTER by the day, the lunacy will come as time passes, but I welcome that!!
Still at least 1000 S&P 500. (Not a recommendation to buy by any means unless you plan to Buy and Birch. It's too late to jump on board today.)

Sentiment wise: Still too many people looking to call a top here so they can utilize their newly discovered 3X bear funds.

Top will be between 935 and 950. Then we go back downward for a while.

Soon as we hit that 200 day moving average (around 940 by then) we're toast.

You heard it here first. :-)
A Goober's Guess on Market Top...

Just a Goober's Guess:

Market Top will be 950 - 1000...

I don't know any charting and haven't heard any great stories or whatever. But, I do think the market panics of October/November and early March were rather stupid and rather insane. We needed a correction, not a panic.

So, with my beer blury eyes trying to focus on some squiggly lines, I will assume a standard correction curve and ignore the panic selling periods. That leaves us at 950 - a 30% correction bear market.

With the news that Congress and the Administration were about to open their yaks I moved to a very conservative allocation this past week. Uuuummmm, just before two very good market days. Caught some of the growth though. At my age, I should be heavily invested in the market.