The I-Fund Share Price


Staff member
It looks like the TSP changed their initial posted I-fund price of 24.0896 for Thursday, and made it 24.2489. This affected the L-fund prices too.

This screws me up and I'll have to work on that later today after the IFT deadline.

Just a heads up that there will be changes to the Autotracker returns later today.
All set. The update has been made.

I'm not sure exactly when the TSP posted the updated I-fund and L-fund share prices, but I don't see one other website that has made the change.,, etc., all have the old invalid share prices posted.

Thanks to the person who noticed the difference this morning and emailed me!
It looks like the TSP changed their initial posted I-fund price of 24.0896 for Thursday, and made it 24.2489. This affected the L-fund prices too.

This screws me up and I'll have to work on that later today after the IFT deadline.

Just a heads up that there will be changes to the Autotracker returns later today.

That is a pretty good adjustment. From.08 to a.24.
The only folks who got screwed were those who bought the I-fund (or L funds) that day (COB Thursday). And "screwed" may not be the right word. I believe the TSP correction was right, but too bad they had to give the AutoTracker headaches, and give participants false hope on the cheap purchase price. Plus all those other websites still have it wrong.
professional traders devote their whole career trying to spot anomalies between list price and true value, even if only for a few seconds. how long did that discrepancy exist? how often do descrepancies like that occur? is that what the 'fair value' adjustment is all about? somebody got rich on that delayed mark to market, and i bet it was no one in the tsp.

the secret about carnival games is, it's best if you work for the carnival.
This is only the 2nd time that I have seen a change in share price after the initial posting, but I guess it's possible that I may have missed other incidents.

There was no advantage in this case since the change was made after the markets closed and no one could do anything about it. Exactly when the change was made, I don't know. The share prices were posted as usual on Thursday at about 7:30 PM ET. When I woke up on Friday it was brought to my attention that the TSP had different prices posted.

So this wasn't a fair value adjustment. It sounds like a correction.