The Hindenburg Omen

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Now I realize why I do not subscribe to investment newsletters. After reading this,the average investor would most likely feel likethey should stop contributing to TSP and hidetheir $$$ under the mattress. If things are as gloomy as the article suggests, we are all screwed anyway.
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It's baaaaack. A year and a half after the last one, we have another rareHindenburg Omen sell signal. We sawa 6% drop in the S&P 500 in 2004 within a 2 to 3 week periodfollowing thesignal. :shock:
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I don't know what u guys are so surprised about.....this Hindenberg thing is only a measure of sorts aboutaccumulation....its a delayed signal....I look todelayed signals only for confirmation for whats coming....its the signal that you see ahead that counts and I have been saying it since spring....we're going down for a while....I wouldn't say forever, but we're going down......for at least 1-2 years....:shock:

I don't know how some of you can't see that....and I don't know how some of you see we're going up either......but that is what makes us diverse and everyone has their opinion....which is good....the only thing is which one of us is right and who's wrong....

Aug 8 was a Black monday, the market turned andhas been struggling since and I expect it to be a bad end of year....:?

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Did you do the math? Beyond me!

The Hindenburgs and Titanics are things of the past!

Katrina and Rita should not be interpreted that Genesis 6-5 will re-occur IMHO.

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Spaf wrote:

Did you do the math? Beyond me!

The Hindenburgs and Titanics are things of the past!

Katrina and Rita should not be interpreted that Genesis 6-5 will re-occur IMHO.

HaHa Ya right! It was 0300 in the a.m. and the use of words Hindenburg and Omen for a market indicatorfreaked me out. I got the general jist of it but will explore it much more later after a pot of coffee.
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OK it's real simple.

27 Sept 2005 info for WSJ.

NYSE Comp Index 108 new lows and 86 new highs

Issues 3,463

Take the lowest number of the two 86 divided by 3,463= 0.024 0.024X100=2.48

Any result LARGER than 2.2 is BAD if and only if:

1. NYSE 10 week moving average is rising. It is!

2. McClellan Oscillator is negative. It is!

I'm scared. Someone hold me. :l
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Now I have to add that they call for 10 week moving average of the NYSE Composite Index based upon the weekly Friday close. I used the 50 day simple moving average.

Could it be?

"Sometimes two or three signals occurred in a row, within days of each other. Signal expires 30 days after its last occurrence, unless a decline has taken place within that time."

"We get a CAUTION if, on any given day, BOTH New Highs AND New Lows number more than 79."

At that point you do the math and check the indicators.
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The Hindenburg Omen thing weirded me right out of the market. I was feeling pretty exposed (40C 30S 30I) so it was time to get back into G for me. I'll keep watch for a while and then see.
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Don’t let Spaf’s picture of the great airship spook you and don’t get spooked by this. It is just a risk indicator. Meaning we are in a area of high risk.
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I read the articles located by a cursory Google search, and thought it was scary enough to get out of the market for a while. I don't mind waiting until things clear up a bit.

The transfer didpreventsome gains today, but so it goes, eh?:PYou make your choices and take your chances.
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New highs 181

New lows 85

Issues 3449

Magic number is 2.46

10 week trend is up.

McClellan Oscillator is negative.