The five root causes of a BEAR MARKET are caged for now!

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All ready started.

Financials 24% of the S&P 500 can not make money with this curve.

The milk is turning.

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My kids milk expenses seems to be following Milkman's treasury yield curve :Pwhile DMA's treasury yield curve follows my salary. If I don't start making money here, I might not have enough $$$ to feed my babies (let alone colleges; Oh my goodness):dude:
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Banks need a healthy yield curve.

What we got now is a sick straight line.


Hi Mr P.

Have a great day!

BTW: No inflation. College has only gone up 39% in the past36 months.

Nothing to worry about. :(
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Give it up DMA, you can't tell them nothing....they can run to a party and drink all they want, but they ain't alert enough andrealize you have to drive home later......:shock:

After the last week I see many going G....I suppose my info is giving mefar ahead indications that most can't see in the present........;)

Have any of you looked at the volume traded on the S&P between April and is much much higher than the last two years.....that alone should tell you that with the lack of growth in the S&P over the period and the lack of it coming ......"you should be very careful" courtesy of Elmer Fudd........:^

And forget it Mike and milk man.....don't even go there.....but, I do want to ask you ifyou two work for the market makers?????? You sure do want to push the market like its something great.....its a dud and we are going to find out soon enough....

I'm surprised its done this well up to now..........

The Technician
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I agree however we have to let them do what they are going to do.

Expensing of stock options starts June 15th. Watch them PEs go to the moon.

:DDo not get banned again.

Should be an interesting week.
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pyriel wrote:
My kids milk expenses seems to be following Milkman's treasury yield curve :Pwhile DMA's treasury yield curve follows my salary. If I don't start making money here, I might not have enough $$$ to feed my babies (let alone colleges; Oh my goodness):dude:
They are actually the same, just on different scales. It's an old magician's trick.......:P

Today itcould be called a hedge fund manager's trick...................:l
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Overnight rate 3.0 soon to be 3.25

3 month 2.80

6 month 2.99

10 year 3.96

30 year 4.26

Not a great healthy spread.

Smacks of September 1987. :shock:
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Thanks guys, I mean guy.................

I don't re-call pushing the market, I just play the numbers. But of course, if you say so, I must have.


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I ain't been banned I've just been sitting an watching......

When I need to see a pair ofdumbbells.... I just take a look......

Been on vacation.....but, my second Tahoe went on vacation and my jet ski went onvacation will probably cost upwards to $1500 to $2000 to fix them for something that should only cost 20% of that......this is something that is an indicator on what people are spending their money on when they shouldn't be....all because GM and Yamaha think that you are too dumb to follow a flowchart or run a computer program....rather than they give you the software to support their product.....bad business plan......and its like being held up in a back alley somewhere....

Why do I see carburetors sounding good again.........

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See the red crossing the blue?

That is called inversion. :shock::shock:

So the not yet buttercup line was way out of line.

The chart you posted is showing the inversion starting.

Do you understand what inversion means?

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"pair of dumbells" HAHAHAHAHAHAHA That guy is so funny. Welcome back MT, I mean techy.

Don't worry folks, I'll iggy his bashing...............for now. :^
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Tech & DMA,

I would like to know if your indicators are telling you that the market will drop overnight? The reason why I am asking is that posters in this board seems knowledgeable enough to jump out of the fire once it really starts burning. I know this because I track people's moves. So let us just say that you both are right, posters might lose 3-5 percentages and I can assure you that they'll jump to G fund as soon as they start seeing the pattern emerging. TSPTALK posters are lucky because even those who don't know squat about indicators usually follow the herd for safety, thus they are able to salvage their hard earned $$$...

Just my .02 cents... As for me, i'm going to g today. Not to hide but to try to get that stupid penny.

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DMA wrote:
See the red crossing the blue?

That is called inversion. :shock::shock:

So the not yet buttercup line was way out of line.

Do you understand what inversion means?

Yes I do, perhaps you should read up on it. This is not inversion, simply two different time frame graphs showing yields flattening out. If you would like a definition, just ask okay? :^
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DMA wrote:
The chart you posted is showing the inversion starting.
Do you understand what inversion means?
No could you provide me a brief explanation? Thanks
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Inverted yield curve is when short term bond yields(2-10 years)

are higher than long term bond yields(30 year). This isn't happening yet...........
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IMHO, this is going to be a bad week for the stock funds and F fund.
Yields up and stocks down.

Welcome to the trend for the week.

Got to run.

Capital preservation and not speculation.

Something to think about.

:D Buy the dip is not hip. Has not worked in six years and will not work now. :P
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mlk_man wrote:
Inverted yield curve is when short term bond yields(2-10 years)

are higher than long term bond yields(30 year). This isn't happening yet...........


[font="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"]Securities with longer maturities usually have a higher yield. If short term securities offer a higher yield, then the curve is said to be inverted. [/font]
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U know Pyreil......I have alot of indicators that indicate we are in trouble....only thing is, like DMA has said....the economy data is being propped up.....I see the trend myself, my data says we're in for it if things don't change (CAFTA and the Yuanvaluebothers me, we the American people are getting rake over for corporate/private profits), but my info appears to be a bit forward in the future than you guys seem to deal on....and I'm alittle bit too edgy for a reminder, I haven't been doing indexes in the past, this is the first time I've tried it.....but it should be similar to single stocks....just 500 times over....but when the stars line up out.

We could just go over and over this forever but it wouldn't do any good....everyone is partying until the end and then its everybody for themselves....

I'm on the caution with eyes wide open.....we could still go up and down every other day........but one day and it may be anywhere around Aug through Oct......the party will be over.....if economic things remain the same....

I've seen this propped up market recently in the past....especially around the end or years of 04, 03, Oct's, May's....etc.........seeing the lack of or minimum growth afterwards of any significance, I'm expecting a break to the downside.....

Market makers want out...(see what is happening to GM and Ford, see what is happening to our industry, jobs etc etc...all our kids livelihood is being sacrificed for some quick profits)......and the trading volume has been booking since April.....without any growth to speak of....

Of course things could change, AG could get his damping effect...and we go nowhere....that is what Control System theory is all about.....controlling the output....
