I have done very little trading in my lifetime, but when I have I was utilizing Scottrade or Etrade or some other US-based company to buy and sell. These companies would provide the required tax forms to show any gains or losses (mostly losses) for tax reporting. I am now dabbling in the Crypto frenzy, and I have a couple of questions about how/if to report this activity.
1) While using Turbo Tax today, there was a question regarding whether I not I had foreign accounts. I have bought BTC with Coinbase, transferred to GDAX, then to Binance to trade for XRP and LEND (based on other members recommendations). I also have small BTC and ETH mining accounts via Hashflare. I think some of these companies are based overseas. All my buying and trading activity was after Jan 1, 2018. I have not yet sold back to USD. What and when do I need to report this activity to the IRS?
2) Will these exchanges report activity to the IRS and provide the requisite tax forms to me? I'm pretty sure know they asked for SSN during account activation.
3) How would any gains or losses in trading from USD-to-crypto and crypto-to-crypto be treated by the IRS? Again, I am a novice at investing, so I have relied on Scottrade and Turbo Tax to properly report in the past.
1) While using Turbo Tax today, there was a question regarding whether I not I had foreign accounts. I have bought BTC with Coinbase, transferred to GDAX, then to Binance to trade for XRP and LEND (based on other members recommendations). I also have small BTC and ETH mining accounts via Hashflare. I think some of these companies are based overseas. All my buying and trading activity was after Jan 1, 2018. I have not yet sold back to USD. What and when do I need to report this activity to the IRS?
2) Will these exchanges report activity to the IRS and provide the requisite tax forms to me? I'm pretty sure know they asked for SSN during account activation.
3) How would any gains or losses in trading from USD-to-crypto and crypto-to-crypto be treated by the IRS? Again, I am a novice at investing, so I have relied on Scottrade and Turbo Tax to properly report in the past.