sugarandspice's Account Talk

Didn't someone say something about "attention whoring"? :p

Guess it all depends on what one believes in. Harry Potter ain't makin' me money...........;)
Isn't it about time for your act, mlk? You know, when no one is noticing you, no one is paying attention to you, people interested in other things not related to you, and then out of the blue it's "OH MY GOD, MY STALKER IS HERE! OH MY GOD I'M BEING STALKED BEHIND THE SCENES! OH MY GOD I'M BEING HARRASSED BUT NO ONE CAN SEE IT BECAUSE IT IS ALL PM'S! OH MY GOD TOM PLEASE HELP ME!" Transparency is best for windows.
Didn't realize he was your buddy. You know you can't pick your relatives, but you can pick your friends...............

BTW, what you don't know CAN hurt you...............let us know when your week is over.............:rolleyes:

I miss spice...............
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Mlk_man will not say it Sugar, so I will. You are a bitchhhh! I can only wonder that your bitchiness Sugar, will be followed by an extreme loss of A positive fluid. Get your canvas ready because I know you like to use the flow for artistic endeavors. And on a side note I don't think Mlk really misses either one of us.
Well I rode the I fund all the way down to this point and have dug myself a deep hole. About neg 7% thus far. Very uncharacteristic of me to do something like that. Riding a fund all the way down. And as far as creativity in doing so, it involves having none at all. Nothing is involved. Any how I'm bailing out this morning and the real creativity will start to crawl out of this muck. Going F fund.
Thanks a lot Sugar! You drove us into ruin. Your new 3 month mail order prescription has supplied you with the power to keep me silent. And that is your financial downfall! Without me Sugar you will become destitute. I may be an insulting demoralizing jackass of a psychosis but without my influence you will not survive. Now that your prescription has run out 2 months early(wonder how that happened) and the drug company has tabs on you and you can't refill, I will be here to guide to better times. We will climb out together Sugar. Me and you. And when we get to the top I will do everything in my power to keep you down and let me take control. The time has come for a change Sugar.
Today looks like a safe play for the I fund. My scenario is to steal FV. I'm thinking we hold here at the S&P sitting at 12 points plus until the cut-off. Then by close today a sell off down to maybe +2 or 3 points. That would make a -FV situation but not enough to cause great panic in the OSM's. If the rally holds or continues then I dont see a downside except maybe a +FV applied but then hopefully that would cause a break-even scenario for tomorrow. Don't see a big risk factor here. I'm moving all-in.
Hey poker geeks, I need some input.

Going to play in a 275$ buyin $37500 guaranteed capped at 150 players. 25$ juice.

Never played this high before. Played high but this,,,never mind.
Starting stack-5000
Blinds start 50-100 and double every 20 minutes. To me that seems pretty fast. When the 2nd hour starts we will be at 400-800.
How would you play it? Try to get cheap flops early on and jam if you hit?
I dont like to race preflop. Even with pocket kings or queens but it seems like more gambling needs to happen so I might have to. Chipping up early seems like a huge advantage.

Any other opinions? Tom...Jayhawker....anyone?

My normal style is usually raising (at least 3x min) with mediocres and up and then adjusting from there. Seems like a path to destruction. The table will tell me more but just general strategy is welcome.