Only cost me $4.7 M to have it established in the delightful town of Stillwater, MN.
Pocket change my friend :cheesy:
In honor of Kelly - who has been so gooood to you
She certainly deserves more then I can provide, thats for sure. I took
a look at the Stillwater site http://www.ci.stillwater.mn.us/ and imagined
retirement there. Peaceful, Inexpensive and Friendly comes to mind. On the
weekends, we'd go to Teddy Bear Park and hit the rollercoaster to stir up
the blood and enjoy alittle Cotton Candy on the way home. Heck, we'll just
sleep out under the stars and say all the things to each other, that we
should have said everyday we've been together.
Thanks for the Pocket Change my friend. It doesn't cost much to make a
person feel right at home and feel blessed to be able to tell you so.