smine's account talk

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stayed in F and was glad of it; small change made but hey, money is money; leaving my piddley 5% in S and moving the rest to G 95%.
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may lose a penny of so with 50% F but going to safety today. besides, we get paid Friday! here's to impending retirement!!
Greenspan Puts Recession Odds at One in Three. If this guy wants to keep in the news why did he retire!
Now why did everyone holding stocks run to hide yesterday? I sold at a loss yesterday because of such gloom-doom predictions this week.... Looks fine so far.
Apparently the gloom-doom crowd had the inside track!

Now aren't you glad you didn't stick around for an even bigger loss?

Or, maybe we should just buy some and hold it, what do you think?

And, do I look fat in this dress to you?

Yes you do, why do you think they call you Ms Piggie?:D Joke!!!:worried:

OOOO! Never, ever, tell a lady (especially a southern lady) she looks fat in that dress. Oh well. I promise to say something nice at your funeral.:toung:
Now aren't you glad you didn't stick around for an even bigger loss?

Or, maybe we should just buy some and hold it, what do you think?

And, do I look fat in this dress to you?


Yeah, I stand corrected! Hiding in G to avoid further losses. BTW the dress is indeed you! I also agree that no man mentions fat to a lady!! LOL.
Following TSP Tom today into C,S,I. Maybe make up small loss from earlier in the week. That I fund looks tempting but.....