Sloop8186's Account Talk


New member
Good morning folks! I am new to posting on these forums but have been following this site for a little under 2 years now. I was one of the unfortunate people that happened to be in the S Fund in the middle of last year when the market dropped quite a bit. Fortunately I didnt lock in any losses and gutted it out for the rest of the year up until this last monday when I jumped back into the G with a 6% gain on the month.....unfortunately I shoulda waited til next monday to do this. Oh well, Ill take a 6% gain for the month!

Anywho, I am torn between jumping back in the market tonight but am unsure if that is a good idea or not due to the recent bull rush the market has been going through. A pullback has to be coming, right? The way the market is going it could jump 10% more before pulling back, although that is unlikely. What is everyones opinion on jumping back on the train tonight?

I look forward to chatting with everyone in the future. BOL to everyone on this ride, hopefully it will continue throughout the year.
Welcome and good luck. Sounds like your doing pretty well already.

If I were in your spot, I would stay out and wait for a small pullback to get pack in...
There are a lot of contraians that keep talking that we MUST have a "pullback", but I don't really understand why. Sure I think we a due for a down day or two, but I personnally don't see why we need a "pullback" per say. I think without any major news this thing will continue up through mid Febraury at least with some resistence of the DOW at 13000. If I were in your position I would wait out the weekend, there might be a slight sell off going into the weekend, and buy back in Monday - rolling into February in equities and 2 new IFT.

Ultimatly you should go with your gut though.
Welcome Sloop8186, the Market is showing off right now hopefully it will continue but things change easily.
Best of luck
There are a lot of contraians that keep talking that we MUST have a "pullback", but I don't really understand why. Sure I think we a due for a down day or two, but I personnally don't see why we need a "pullback" per say. I think without any major news this thing will continue up through mid Febraury at least with some resistence of the DOW at 13000. If I were in your position I would wait out the weekend, there might be a slight sell off going into the weekend, and buy back in Monday - rolling into February in equities and 2 new IFT.

Ultimatly you should go with your gut though.

IL TD, Thats so those of us who missed the 2012 boat the first time around will have a second chance to climb on board!:D
Well, I decided to stay out of the market for the rest of this week. Depending on how tomorrow morning looks I may wait the weekend out and jump back aboard Tuesday if it looks favorable, mainly to burn my IFT so I dont have to burn one to get back in in Feb.
Well got my IFT set for tomorrow night, jumping 100% into the I fund. Hoping tomorrows debt talks go well, only time will tell. It's a but risky, but i feel if it turns out positive it could be quite a jump up. BOL this week to everyone this week.
Good luck Sloop. The I Fund is a volatile bad boy, and will give you rapid up and down days. I hope you can use some of the info here on this forum to help you make good investment decisions.

So far so good today, hopefully the momentum starts to build and continue through the week. If I can get 3% from the I fund I will jump ship and look for an entry point back into the C/S. Up 6.5% in January, if only I woulda stayed in the S for an extra week =/ Oh well.....
Well, my jump back into the I fund today pushed me over the 7% mark for January! If only I could do that for the next 11 months! Lol, hopefully the I keeps improving throughout the week, I'm ready to make my jump to the S if I can pull 3% out of it. Hopefully Greece can get their deal, then it's up up and away!
Considering jumping out tomorrow if this big day keeps up, hopefully I can get my 3% before a pullback. BOL today everyone, looks like a promising start.
I dont like sitting very long in the I fund, im getting kind of antsy debating whether to jump out with my 2 days worth of gains or hang out for another day....decisions decisions....
Jumping out of the market COB today, I should reach my 3% goal for the month if the market holds its gains today. Since February is normally a bad month for the market, im gonna look for a drop mid month to make another entry. BOL to everyone today, hopefully these gains hold steady.