So this is how it works....If I go out to my chickencoop and all the chickens are roosting on the top bar, its all in for the S fund..If the chickens are on the bottom rung, then its bail into the G fund. This seems to work as well as any other system.LOL.
Seriously though, I was surprised at the drop for friday and monday. I am into the G 90% and F 10% for right now thankfully. I had chose to get out last week due to the upcoming budget stuff. I have every intention of getting back in friday because all of this stuff should be over with by then and i am looking closely at the seasonality chart which looks good to me. It works pretty well moving money by following known news stories that are upcoming. I am in the top 10 in the autotracker and it seems to be keeping me there if i stay abreast of the news.