Show-me Account Talk

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If I'm willing to risk half why not all. What a recovery UK and EZ made. Blew my theory out of the water. Looks like China is not as big a concern as the FOMC minutes.
Well, the consensus of the group convinced me to up my IFT to 50% I Fund this morning , which says something......exactly what is something I'm still working on..:D

So, best of luck to all of us...and May The Force Be With The I Fund ..

Well, the consensus of the group convinced me to up my IFT to 50% I Fund this morning , which says something......exactly what is something I'm still working on..:D

So, best of luck to all of us...and May The Force Be With The I Fund ..


You too!
I seem to recall last year you rode the May drop to the bottom and then jitter bugged your way back to the top by years end. I'm watching for another tap dancing lesson.

I was thinking about moving some money into I-fund as a shorth term move as well.

That May ride was a wild one.:nuts:
We will see how the FV will plays out. I am going to stay in the I fund today.

It seem that I am noticing more declining profits William-Sonoma -21% and Costco -4.9%. M&A action continues as well as lay offs.
I feel like exiting today. UK waiting for our ED. How about that German market! I gotta get some of that.

Nikkie is running sideways, they can't seem to get going. FTSE is at the bottom of the channel and has potential. I hate being in the I fund over the weekend, but it seems to do well on Mondays.

And Heinz and Tiffany profits rise. Good to see John Kerry has a fall back position. lol
I'm staying G and F over the weekend..Tootsie, Heinz-Kerry: Sounds like a political team Hollywood can really get behind...:D

I finally decided to join ya in the G fund.

Your still cook'n with gas. Good luck to you too!
I'm having a tuff year. I am actually discussed with myself and have been 180 degrees from the market. I can't even beat the freak'n G fund. So I change my game plan. Everything that I think will be negative for the market I get in the market. I am my own contrarian indicator. If you don't think so check my return for the year. Time to get aggressive like the last two years. My motto then was "Risk Reward".

The only thing I got right this week was that the OSM were over due, and I got motivation from 12% and Ebb. Problem was that the USM popped big time and we got nailed with a HUGE -FV on my entry day. Price of playing the game, B&Holders don't have that problem. Like I said before some days you get the FV and some days the FV gets you.

Personally I think the economy sucks, but I believe I have zeroed in on MY problem. MY problem is I'm not thinking like a capitalist or a stock trader. I'm thinking like a consumer or labor. From the consumer or laborer perspective the economy sucks. Shrinking dollar, mfg. jobs gone, food inflation, energy inflation, etc. From the large cap stock perspective the economy is great. Cheap labor, pick of the litter labor, weak dollar, name brand, etc. All of the emerging markets want what the large cap stocks have and the weak dollar makes it cheaper yet.

Watch the leaders, use Trader Fred and the sentiment survey. Watch the old guy that have been around awhile. Buy and hold is not a bad thing. Max out your contributions and use the L fund if your not monitoring the markets day to day.

Good luck and good trading.
There is a very distinct pattern on the S&P chart.

1482.37 to 1512.58 = 30.21 points

1491.47 to 1525.10 = 33.63 points

1507.51 to 1536.34 = 28.83 points

Nice little channel if it holds up.
I'm having a tuff year.

Yeah, but you are coming off two very good years where you were top 5 both times. You are not the only one who has struggled. All the top 5 from last year struggled early except GG. That's one of the things you have to accept as a timer, that you are not going to win them all.
Yeah, but you are coming off two very good years where you were top 5 both times. You are not the only one who has struggled. All the top 5 from last year struggled early except GG. That's one of the things you have to accept as a timer, that you are not going to win them all.

Your not wrong, but I feel that my stomach for risk this year is weak at best. I am trying to understand it and I think it IS the emotion of thinking like a consumer and not thinking like a capitalist pig. LOL It sucks to pay $3.29 for a gallon of gas, but it's GREAT when your the one supplying the gas. :D Profit, profit, profit.
I don't know if that adds any perspective...but I have had a good year by keeping a close eye on the 'timers' (you, Fundsurfer, Griffin) while also seeing what the latest hot hands (12%, ATC Jeff, Thunder) are doing and then making a call. It seems that the hot hands have had a good run, but I also noticed that Griffin is starting to heat up...every good team needs seasoned veterans, hang in there...all of us sure appreciate your guidance.

I don't know if that adds any perspective...but I have had a good year by keeping a close eye on the 'timers' (you, Fundsurfer, Griffin) while also seeing what the latest hot hands (12%, ATC Jeff, Thunder) are doing and then making a call. It seems that the hot hands have had a good run, but I also noticed that Griffin is starting to heat up...every good team needs seasoned veterans, hang in there...all of us sure appreciate your guidance.

I agree totally with BigJohn on this and what Fundsurfer said about not winning them all. What I like about this site is that you can take everyones "idea's"/"thoughts"/"predictions" and twist/use them for your own educated guess ;). A positive gain is what we are all after ( I am assuming that, of course ) we area all "capitalist pig's" at heart in one way or another, whether we want to admit it or not. You're to good to stay down long, just don't be to hard on yourself. Your input has been invaluable to me, and I know your advise/input is helping others too. Thanks.
Thanks everyone. I am just frustrated and venting. Good therapy to let it out sometimes. I do feel much better now.

Good luck and good trading.
Thanks everyone. I am just frustrated and venting. Good therapy to let it out sometimes. I do feel much better now.

Good luck and good trading.

Seinfelds' George Castanza popularized the concept of "doing the opposite" of his own initial impulse.

However, I think your instincts are probably intact, but you are subject to a rough patch now and then...! And if you don't succeed, buy an allocation service like I did! :D
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