Show-me Account Talk

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Re: 350zCommtech's Account Talk

Senator Bernie Sanders petition against Paulson's bailout.

Please email it to everyone you know.

Don't know how you folks feel about the bail out slash rescue but here is a petition to sign if you don't like it.

I signed it because I don't like the "rush to act", "no bid contract" to Paulson's buddies, and the "blank check" with no real oversight. Let the free market be free, all these back stops were likely factored into the enormous risk taking these firms did. They just worked the system to their advantage and are trying to follow through by placing the cost on the backs of the tax payers.
Internet Senate Banking hearing delayed (?) streaming now. One source is C-Span. Sen Shelby documenting now. You go, Sen. Shelby. Tell it like it is.
Just a dog and pony show at the moment. What's important is how they vote.

I'll vote against any politician that votes for this bailout.
I heard Paulson say that Congress just needs to pass it And that it's unfortunate that there is "not enough time for comprehensive and technical analysis of the bailout plan." That should be exactly what they make time for.
Gimme Money or the finance market dies! I'm the mighty Paulson, all bow to my word in phear! He who controls a trillion, controls the Universe! On my promise, the Market moves, defy me at your peril! If you try to control me, upon your head it will go. Heads you lose, Tails I win.
I heard Paulson say that Congress just needs to pass it And that it's unfortunate that there is "not enough time for comprehensive and technical analysis of the bailout plan." That should be exactly what they make time for.

its pretty obvioius Paulson is scaring everyone into acting prematurely. This stinks of the sell job Colin Powell had in front of the UN forcing the american people into acting ASAP. If passed, we will be looking at this hearing the very same way. It's amazing what people will do out of fear. I am 100% behind the long term interest of the American people.... being forced into action, with a blank check, on the terms and conditions of the most powerful former CEO of the greatest investment bank, ain't in the interest of the taxpayer.

The best regulation/oversight to keep the banks honest is SHORTING THEM, limiting and strong regulation of leverage, and transparency to share holders & regulators. Guarantee those things and the fact american people will reap the rewards of the 30x leveraged mortgage backed securities and I'll be all for the bailout. If we're paying for the risk, give us the profits too... write that into law.

What are they saying, $2,600 per taxpayer for the $700B bailout? Guarantee us us 30x$2,600=$78,000 if this stabilizes and ends up being the right move. That would return this to free-market capitalism.
its pretty obvioius Paulson is scaring everyone into acting prematurely. This stinks of the sell job Colin Powell had in front of the UN forcing the american people into acting ASAP. If passed, we will be looking at this hearing the very same way. It's amazing what people will do out of fear. I am 100% behind the long term interest of the American people.... being forced into action, with a blank check, on the terms and conditions of the most powerful former CEO of the greatest investment bank, ain't in the interest of the taxpayer.

The best regulation/oversight to keep the banks honest is SHORTING THEM, limiting and strong regulation of leverage, and transparency to share holders & regulators. Guarantee those things and the fact american people will reap the rewards of the 30x leveraged mortgage backed securities and I'll be all for the bailout. If we're paying for the risk, give us the profits too... write that into law.

What are they saying, $2,600 per taxpayer for the $700B bailout? Guarantee us us 30x$2,600=$78,000 if this stabilizes and ends up being the right move. That would return this to free-market capitalism.

From about Paulson spilling more of the "truth" omg
This debate is very interesting, the one on TV. I find it interesting that I am not viewing the TV as I am to some cleaning and inventory, but I can not tell the Democrats from the Republicans in this debate. In a way it is refreshing.

On the other side of the coin I find that none of them are sold and are starting to squirm at the idea of giving Treasury $700 billion to do as they please and Paulson will be gone in a few months.

1. They have no idea if it will work, just that something bad is going to happen if we do not act. What if you act and it still is as bad as they imagine?

2. They have no idea how to rate the investments and they WANT to pay more for them than what they are worth now and don't know if they will gain strength, ever.

3. They offer no risk to the financial industry. The risk is totally on "the people."

4. They are trying to free up credit so that we can give out MORE CREDIT so that people and businesses can buy things they can not afford. ISN'T THAT WHAT GOT US HERE IN THE FIRST PLACE? Un-#$@%ing believable!

5. One Senator asked if it was true that they wanted to include credit card debt and student loans. Paulson would only say that he wanted broad privileges in handling. The Senator pressed him harder and he finally conceded that he wanted to be able to buy anything to free up credit. ARE YOU FREAK'N KIDDING ME! OMG!
This is all about buying what you can not afford and they want "the people" to take on the bad paper so that they can, they hope, issue more paper to artificially make the economy look like it is moving forward.

Stop using the credit, this is how we got into this problem as a Nation, individually, as a economy, and as a world economy. Use cash, save your money!
I'm going to take some of my happy drugs and take a nap now.
Hope you have happy dreams.
Stop using the credit, this is how we got into this problem as a Nation, individually, as a economy, and as a world economy. Use cash, save your money!
[/quote] from Show-me

I am so glad that I am debt free(well, mostly, except for 1 tiny mortgage). Yet I still have problems sleeping. With all of this upheaval surrounding our country, my retirement keeps getting further and further away. Dang crooks. I hope someone goes to jail for all of this bulls**t.
Sorry if this is not open yet, but I haven't heard or seen anthing lately..What's going on SM with your situation?..any news?
2. They have no idea how to rate the investments and they WANT to pay more for them than what they are worth now and don't know if they will gain strength, ever.

3. They offer no risk to the financial industry. The risk is totally on "the people."

"Mark the Market"

Today Dave Ramsey said that economist Brian Westbury has an idea for part of the mess the markets are in with the sub-prime mortgages.

According to Ramsey, Sarbanes/Oxley requires each company to re-state the value of their assets each day. Thats called "mark the market."

He claims that if that requirement was lifted it would free the market up without throwing 700 billion dollars at the problem.

Listen to him explain it here.

Click "Hear Dave break it down"
Sorry if this is not open yet, but I haven't heard or seen anthing lately..What's going on SM with your situation?..any news?

Still waiting on the biopsy and I am healing up nicely. I will go back to work Monday.:blink:

If this week is anything like retirement, I can not wait. These afternoon naps are freak'n awesome.
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