Show-me Account Talk

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Now for a look at the chart. What I don't like. Pierced the 50 sma, closed above the 20 sma, and all because the gov. banned shorting.

This is artificial and not sustainable. As reported by many this to will come to bear stinky fruit once the shorting ban is lifted. Will they extended it beyond the elections? I think it is very possible and both parties want to take this off the radar.
Now, for damage control Treasury Sec. Paulson better buy them up for a bargain price and make the "people" some serious jack.
Re: Don seems a bit angry but makes good points.

Ha Ha he gives a good point. Why can't see all go to zero on Credit Cards & Home Loans etc. The Fed has everyones back on Wall Street -The big boys all got a new start and went to zero and we are paying but his anger is fake and that makes his message almost a bit of a joke.:rolleyes:
Re: Don seems a bit angry but makes good points.

Ha Ha he gives a good point. Why can't see all go to zero on Credit Cards & Home Loans etc. The Fed has everyones back on Wall Street -The big boys all got a new start and went to zero and we are paying but his anger is fake and that makes his message almost a bit of a joke.:rolleyes:

His points are well taken. He is a good guy and a Man of Truth unlike Jim Cramer.:worried:
Re: Don seems a bit angry but makes good points.

Ha Ha he gives a good point. Why can't see all go to zero on Credit Cards & Home Loans etc. The Fed has everyones back on Wall Street -The big boys all got a new start and went to zero and we are paying but his anger is fake and that makes his message almost a bit of a joke.:rolleyes:

You hate to say conspiracy because it labels you a kook, but.................:nuts:
Kudlow is on with Lesman and the new deal is that the Dems what the taxpayer to have some of the company, salary caps for the executive that use this program, and more.

I like it! Go Dems! If you want a bail out you have to eat crow. Bastards!
Kudlow is on with Lesman and the new deal is that the Dems what the taxpayer to have some of the company, salary caps for the executive that use this program, and more.

I like it! Go Dems! If you want a bail out you have to eat crow. Bastards!

I agree the CEO's etc. should have to pay us for bailing them out. These sleeze bags walk away with 90 million in lump sum payouts it's all bullshi*.

I believe if you screw up your company you walk away with a pink slip and an apply for unemployment like everyone else has to.

When our tax dollars go toward LEH and Co. that's it they owe us. AIG owes us my God I am getting ticked just typing this.
Show-me, thankyou for providing daily updates on your trading account outside of TSP. With your help, I feel so much better now that I have more power over my own destiny with my own Roth IRA.

I've made two trades with AIG (9%) just to kick the tires and everything is working fine. I am a little bummed that I have to wait 3 days for unsettled funds to go back into my account, but I'll get over it and things will be easier to work with once I have more money built up.

Thanks again... JTH
A small price to pay when you can control you destiny. Margin accounts of $25,000 or more you can day trade. My next TSP loan will go there, maxing the loan out thanks to FRTIB.
Ditto from me. My ROTH has been doing great the last few weeks, on the path to recovering what I lost before. This is my learning playground to hopefully be ready when I get my hands on my TSP. Who knows maybe one day I'll even go the borrow myself way for a cash account beyond the ROTH.

You can buy again before funds settle, you just can't sell the new shares until the cash was settled on the old ones. I staggered my buys/sells, so every day I have something settled! And I leave enough cash to sell/buy in emergency... Very small transactions right now, the cost is prohibitive, but as I said, it's a learning ground, and if I make any money at all, that's good enough... This week definitely feels like beginning's luck, or turning the tide..., since I only lost money before ...:nuts:

Show-me, thankyou for providing daily updates on your trading account outside of TSP. With your help, I feel so much better now that I have more power over my own destiny with my own Roth IRA.

I've made two trades with AIG (9%) just to kick the tires and everything is working fine. I am a little bummed that I have to wait 3 days for unsettled funds to go back into my account, but I'll get over it and things will be easier to work with once I have more money built up.

Thanks again... JTH
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