Show-me Account Talk

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But, there was no rate increase. The 23 of May was a .25% increase. That day had a small rise followed by a drop.

Flip a coin.
Complete amateur talking here, but I'm staying invested. It seems like everybody's running to the sidelines or screaming the sky is falling. Aren't the (crazy) optimists always saying that's when you hang on?

I agree that a pullback is around the corner but I think this is one of those cases where the warnings are coming a hair early and I think we'll see it next week. I wouldn't be surprised if Fred's System didn't trigger a sell this week - we've seen it come close before and then hang on for days.

When I see the next market pile-up, then I'll know the drop is coming and I'll bail.
Well we survived the 4th. BACK TO WORK! Ugh.

So far this week has worked out well. I am concerned about China's little drop. BOE raised rates and the OSM is shaking it off. Premarket is green and dollar is weak.

I'm not sure what I will do today. Asia may react badly to China's 5% + drop and it could ripple to EZ and then USM. There is room for the OSM to rise but resistance is coming.
Well we survived the 4th. BACK TO WORK! Ugh.

So far this week has worked out well. I am concerned about China's little drop. BOE raised rates and the OSM is shaking it off. Premarket is green and dollar is weak.

I'm not sure what I will do today. Asia may react badly to China's 5% + drop and it could ripple to EZ and then USM. There is room for the OSM to rise but resistance is coming.

Ebb shows going to I fund.

Initially I was going to lock in profits by going to the G. Might go 50-50 G-I.
Yes, and Fred is a breath away from a sell signal. The China think is a wild card and I just read your post in market news. If that report is accurate would it not mean there is less of a chance for a rate reduction?

I will think some more on it and decide at the cut off.
I was considering a one day play in the I fund, but talked myself out of it. FTSE failed to make its high just like the USM's. Risk is high with this weak start to earnings.

Staying put!
Ask me how my day is wrapping up.

Thanks for asking.

Got two letters in the mail today. One from Certegy Check Services, Inc, a "service provider to US retail merchants" telling me that a not so fine "employee wrongfully removed and sold consumer information to a data broker who in turn sold a subset of that data to a limited number of direct marketing organizations." No big deal............I hope, but "you may want to put a freeze on your credit that has to be done in writing." "Here are the addresses." THANKS MORONS, like I got time!

It gets better.

The second from Department of Treasury, Internal Revenue Service. LOL What ya want to bet I'm going to be 120% for the "Fair Tax" before this is over. ROFLMAO!! Forgot a form. Opsy!

At this point, YES I AM DRINKING...................HEAVILY! LOL :sick:

While I'm venting. I sold my horse to the neighbor because he tried to kill me by running over me. OK he didn't TRY to kill me, but I did sell him after he knock the crap out of me. My propane tank ran out of gas and they want to charge me $60 for a leak test. IT'S NOT LEAKING...........I RAN OUT. Something about a law, blah, blah, blah, and I will probably need a updated regulator being I ran out, blah, blah, blah. Hum, more money!
O' God this is sounding like a redneck joke.

The Michael Moore rant on youtube is so funny. I think Wolf would rather go back to a combat zone than interview Moore again.

Other than that I'm health, wealth, and wise. Wait, I'm none of those.:nuts:

See ya in the morning.
Seems like the IRS does not like it when you do not send in ALL of you forms. :o Especially the one's from your broker. :( LOL

Any way, the FTSE is dropping to support again. I screwed up by not making that play last week because of risk. What the hell, no guts no glory.

The plan is to go 100% I fund today just in time for the dollar to rally. :sick:
Wow, what a day! I had a feeling that the afternoon would rally from the lows beings I was buying I fund today. Got lucky on the no FV.

At first I was going all I fund, but I did not want to sell my S fund for a 0.9% loose. Then I was going to split S and I fund, but after more thought I really wanted to go all I fund so I did the only thing that would satisfy all my whims. Leave the 25% in the S and add the rest to the I fund.

Now as I posted earlier the FTSE is in a perfect position for a rally, as is the NIKK. S fund almost touch the 20 dma.

May not happen today, but it is close. If not it won't matter.

Japan opened strong and is now flat after the morning session. I can't count the number of times the NIKK closes the morning session one way only to turn around in the afternoon session. I did buy EWJ today in my ROTH.

Weak ED tomorrow and FOMC minute release. :worried:
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