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Hello - I need TSPTalk member's input. Reading the different forums, I realize that TSPTalk members are so diverse with various expertise. I hope to catch the attention of somebody skilled in giving me some input with my situation. Do I pay off mortgage or do I just accelerate payments?
I am FERS, will be 60 years old soon and I am planning to retire at the end of the year, 2018. My dilemma is I refinanced my house in 2016 for $163K due to my parents’ and parents in laws medical and funeral expenses. Current Mortgage balance is $153K.
I did some math (not sure if it’s correct) and it looks like I am better off accelerating payments rather than paying it off right away. My current monthly payment is $754 (principal and interest only), with taxes and insurance is a total of $1603. Mortgage Rate is 3.75%.
With the TSP calculator and amortization schedule, I did 2 scenarios:
1. Scenario 1 – Pay off Mortgage
a. Lump Sum Withdrawal of $200K to give me a net of approximately $155K @24% tax, more than enough to pay the mortgage.
b. From the balance of $300K at a conservative 4% interest and a monthly payout of $1400, I would have $187K and $135K at 75 years old and 80 years old respectively.
c. $98K - Interest saved for the 28 years left with mortgage
2. Scenario 2 – Accelerate Monthly Payment:
a. If I accelerate my monthly mortgage payment by putting an extra $1000 monthly, I would be paying off my home in approximately 8.5 years -9 years. To do this, I would need to do a TSP monthly withdrawal of $2500 from the $500K @ 4%. At 69 (+/-) years old, my home will be fully paid, and I have $387K left in my TSP.
b. After fully paying the mortgage, and from the balance of $387K, I can reduce my monthly withdrawal to $1400.00 and my TSP Balances will be $373K and $355K at 75 years old and 80 years old respectively.
c. $64K – Interest saved with Payment Acceleration.
Thanks in advance for any input.
I am FERS, will be 60 years old soon and I am planning to retire at the end of the year, 2018. My dilemma is I refinanced my house in 2016 for $163K due to my parents’ and parents in laws medical and funeral expenses. Current Mortgage balance is $153K.
I did some math (not sure if it’s correct) and it looks like I am better off accelerating payments rather than paying it off right away. My current monthly payment is $754 (principal and interest only), with taxes and insurance is a total of $1603. Mortgage Rate is 3.75%.
With the TSP calculator and amortization schedule, I did 2 scenarios:
1. Scenario 1 – Pay off Mortgage
a. Lump Sum Withdrawal of $200K to give me a net of approximately $155K @24% tax, more than enough to pay the mortgage.
b. From the balance of $300K at a conservative 4% interest and a monthly payout of $1400, I would have $187K and $135K at 75 years old and 80 years old respectively.
c. $98K - Interest saved for the 28 years left with mortgage
2. Scenario 2 – Accelerate Monthly Payment:
a. If I accelerate my monthly mortgage payment by putting an extra $1000 monthly, I would be paying off my home in approximately 8.5 years -9 years. To do this, I would need to do a TSP monthly withdrawal of $2500 from the $500K @ 4%. At 69 (+/-) years old, my home will be fully paid, and I have $387K left in my TSP.
b. After fully paying the mortgage, and from the balance of $387K, I can reduce my monthly withdrawal to $1400.00 and my TSP Balances will be $373K and $355K at 75 years old and 80 years old respectively.
c. $64K – Interest saved with Payment Acceleration.
Thanks in advance for any input.