I found the "Last Month's Best Fund" thread & kind of like that approach in that you don't really have to think about it, but the results seem to be pretty decent.
Recently I've been concentrating more on whether to switch to Roth TSP or not. The option went live for us today and I'm still not certain. It's really hard to figure out what will be the best option since you have no idea what the future will hold.
Since I just had my first anniversary as a fed I'm still in the 15% bracket & therefore think Roth is probably better. I didn't like the way our pay system (Employee Express) has the different options laid out. They have them both completely separated & the settings of one don't affect the other. So, when I went to the Roth page & elected for the max $654 I also still had $654 going to the Traditional too.
So, then I went to the Traditional page & tried to reduce the contribution there to 0, but it wouldn't allow that. If you wanted to do that you have to hit the button that says Stop TSP Contributions, which isn't really what I wanted to do either. Since I figured there would be a cancel option I hit it to see what happens & then it gives you a warning that if you are in FERS you have to put in at least 1% to get the match.
That got me wondering if they are actually going to match the Roth contributions after all so I cancelled out & started over. In the end, I'm still contributing the max, but split between Roth & Traditional (leaning heavily toward the Roth).